The online application portal works best from a PC or laptop using the Chrome browser. Mobil or Edge browser users may experience difficulties. In addition, using cut/paste features or adding hyperlinks could produce errors.

Apply online or use PDF form

  • Complete the Application for Benefits online. You will have a chance to save or print a copy of the completed application for your records before you submit the claim. The application ID appears after you submit the claim and you do not need to send a copy of the paper application to us.

If you experience difficulties using the online portal, or if you prefer you can use the application method below.

You will hear from us within 5-7 days regarding receipt of your application and in most cases within 15-18 days regarding the outcome of your application. Call 800-762-3716 to check the status of your application.

Address change

Victims who have filed Crime Victims Compensation claims with the Crime Victims Compensation Program need to submit in an address change request when they have a change in their mailing address.

Your address change must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email.

All address change requests must include:

  • Date
  • Claim number
  • Claimant name
  • New address
  • The claimant's authorizing signature

Please provide an updated telephone number if appropriate.


Mail the address change request to your claim manager:

Crime Victims Compensation Program
Department of Labor & Industries
P.O. Box 44520
Olympia, WA 98504-4520


Fax the address change request to your claim manager. The claim manager should be advised before the fax is sent.

Fax: 360‑902‑5333



Always include the claim number on every fax page.

Questions crime victim applicants have

    What happens if the website does not give me a claim number?

    Print your completed application and send it to the Crime Victims Compensation Program.

    I don't have online access. Can I still file a claim?

    Yes, complete the form Crime Victim's Application for Benefits - Injury Claims (F800‑042‑000). Once you print out the application, follow the instructions to send it to us by mail or fax.

    What does the little red * mean next to Date of Birth and other questions on the online application?

    The little red * indicates it is a required field. The online application cannot be submitted without completing all required fields.

    I used my smart phone to file an online claim but don’t have access to a printer. What should I do?

    When you file online, an electronic copy of the application should automatically download to your device.

    I want to file my claim online. How do I send supporting documentation such as the police report and medical reports?

    Submit your claim online and write down your claim number. Next, write your claim number on the top of each page of the documents you want to submit and fax them to 360-902-5333. You can also email the documents to:

    Updating information: What if I move, change doctors, or my other information changes?

    Please call us right away at 1-800-762-3716, and provide updated and current information to avoid claim delays. Any address changes must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email.