Frequently Called Numbers
Task | Phone Number |
Automated claims info | 1-800-831-5227 |
Civil Rights Complaint Hotline | 1-855-682-0778 |
Claims (1-800-LISTENS) | 1-800-547-8367 |
Contractor information | 1-800-647-0982 OR 360-902-5226 (Option 2) |
Crime victims compensation | 1-800-762-3716 |
Electrical certification/licensing | 360-902-5269 |
Electronic Benefit Payment Services | 360-902-4675 |
Employer Services (workers' comp accounts and quarterly reports) | 360-902-4817 |
Employment standards/workplace rights | 1-866-219-7321 |
File a public records request | 360-902-5556 |
L&I switchboard | 360-902-5800 |
Prevailing wage | 1-855-545-8163 |
Provider hotline | 1-800-848-0811 |
Report fatalities and serious injuries requiring hospitalization within 8 hours | 1-800-423-7233 |
Report fraud | 1-888-811-5974 |
Safety and health | 1-800-423-7233 |
Small Business Office | 1-800-987-0145 |
Vendor Pay/Accounts Payable | 360-902-6956 |
Warrant (payment) handling | 1-800-249-4951 |
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