Supplier Diversity and Equity in Contracting

Executive Order 22-01 directs state agencies to take certain steps to provide small businesses with equitable access to contract and procurement dollars.

L&I is committed to fair, transparent, and open competition, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent equitably in the private sector through accessible opportunities for small and diverse businesses. To learn more about statewide supplier diversity work, please visit the websites of the Department of Enterprise Services and the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises.

Free Certification Through June 2025 - OMWBE

How to do business with us

In order to provide purchased services/goods to us, contractors/vendors should do the following:

  1. Register with the state’s Washington’s Electronic Business Solution system (WEBS). This is required for all contractors/vendors to have access to and respond to solicitations. We often check the WEBS database for small, minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned business.
  2. Register in the Statewide Vendor/Payee Services System. This allows you to receive payments by direct deposit from OFM and other state agencies.
  3. Get certified with Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) if your business is at least 51% minority-owned or women-owned. When we have purchasing needs, we regularly check the OMWBE Directory of Certified Businesses.
  4. Get certified with the Washington State Department of Veteran Affairs (WDVA) if your business is at least 51% veteran-owned. When we have purchasing needs, we regularly check the WDVA directory.
  5. We may buy directly from businesses if the value of the goods or services is under $30,000 (If a business is certified as a small, veteran, minority or woman owned business we may buy directly from them if the value is below $40,000).
  6. Keep abreast of goods and services bid opportunities. Once you have registered in WEBS using your specific commodity code(s), you will receive WEBS email notifications whenever a procurement is released by any state agency that is seeking services using a commodity code for which you are registered.
  7. When responding to opportunities and preparing your bid, keep these tips in mind:
    • Ensure you read and understand the procurement document, all appendices, amendments, and other attachments.
    • Attend any pre-bid conferences or site visits. All potential bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference at which the solicitation is explained and questions about the solicitation can be raised and addressed.
      NOTE: Be cognizant of whether the pre-bid conference is mandatory.
    • Research previous bids and contracts.
    • Seek minority- and women-owned business enterprise participation.
    • Ensure your bid is completed per the submission instructions.
    • Include all required attachments and documentation.
    • Make sure you download the solicitation using WEBS to ensure notification of any amendments. Vendors are responsible for checking WEBS and should do so frequently.
Contracting Opportunities

Washington State's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) is the notification tool used to bid on L&I's contracts and purchasing opportunities. For additional information including the Public Bid Calendar, please see WEBS (An account is required to access full details of postings in the Public Bid Calendar).

Sole Source Contracts

RCW 39.26.140(1): Agencies must make sole source contracts available for public inspection for a period of 10 working days prior to the contract start date.

No sole source contracts at this time.

Emergency Contracts

RCW 39.26.130(2): Agencies must make emergency contract information available for public inspection within 3 business days of commencing work or executing the contract.

No emergency contracts at this time.

Interagency Agreements

The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) encourages local governmental agencies to “make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best with geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities.” (RCW 39.34.010).

RCW 39.34 – Interlocal Cooperation Act provides the authority for L&I to contract with other governmental entities and quasi-governmental entities (other Washington state agencies, other State governments and/or their agencies, cities, counties, tribes, or any agency or part of the Federal government).

Per RCW 39.34.040, L&I has created a list of intergovernmental agreements.


The following information on planned L&I contracting opportunities is made available for all businesses. The information assists with acquisition planning by helping vendors learn about potential contracting opportunities early in the procurement process.

The information is based on the best information available at the time reported. The forecast data is for planning purposes only, does not represent a pre-solicitation synopsis, and is not a solicitation by the L&I to procure goods or services. All projected procurements are subject to revision or cancelation.

Forecasting Report – Nov. 18, 2024