
Benefits may be available to assist you for the loss of your loved one. This section explains the Crime Victims Compensation Program (CVCP) and the benefits that can be provided to family members of homicide victims.

Benefits available

Payment of funeral costs up to a maximum of $5,750 for claims with a date of injury on or before July 22, 2017. Payment of $6,170 for claims with date of injury July 23, 2017 through June 30, 2020. For claims July 1, 2021 forward, the maximum benefit is $6,620. Funeral expenses include such costs as burial, cremation, cemetery plot, headstone, and funeral service.

  • CVCP will reimburse these expenses to the family member who paid for the services or the person who is responsible for payment.
  • Payment can be made directly to the service provider if we receive written authorization from the family member.
  • An itemized statement for burial expenses must be received within 12 months of the date upon which the death of the victim is officially recognized as a homicide for claims with a date of injury on or before July 22, 2017.
  • An itemized statement for burial expenses must be received within 24 months of claim allowance or release of remains for burial for claims with a date of injury on or after July 23, 2017.

As with other CVCP benefits, payment is secondary to other insurance benefits. However, the first $40,000 of life insurance proceeds are exempt from the provision.

Immediate family members of homicide victims may receive up to 12 grief-counseling sessions. Insurance coverage for counseling must be used if available.

The spouse, registered domestic partner, or dependent children of a deceased victim may be eligible to receive limited wage replacement benefits. Payments are based on a percentage of the victim's wages.

Required information

The CVCP must receive an application for benefits within 3 years of the date the crime was reported to police or within 5 years in certain circumstances.

The following information is needed to determine what benefits we can pay:

  • Copy of death certificate.
  • Copies of bills or receipts for funeral and burial expenses.
  • Information regarding any life insurance available.

If the victim was employed on the date of the crime, or for twelve weeks in the six months prior to the crime, the following additional information is needed:

  • Copy of marriage certificate or documentation of a domestic partnership.
  • Copies of birth certificates for any dependent children (or proof of paternity for any dependent children).
  • Documentation of the victim's wages. CVCP can obtain the documentation needed if the name, address, and phone number of the victim's employer is provided.
  • Documentation of social security benefits eligibility for surviving spouse and children.

Applying for benefits

The Crime Victims Application for Benefits - Homicide Claims (F800‑120‑000) is available online from the CVCP. Health-care providers or funeral home can also help you obtain the form.

If you have any questions or need assistance please call the number below.

Apply online or use PDF form

  • Complete the Application for Benefits online. You will have a chance to save or print a copy of the completed application for your records before you submit the claim. The application ID appears after you submit the claim and you do not need to send a copy of the paper application to us.

If you experience difficulties using the online portal, or if you prefer you can use the application method below.

You will hear from us within 5-7 days regarding receipt of your application and in most cases within 15-18 days regarding the outcome of your application. Call 800-762-3716 to check the status of your application.

Address change

Victims who have filed Crime Victims Compensation claims with the Crime Victims Compensation Program need to submit in an address change request when they have a change in their mailing address.

Your address change must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email.

All address change requests must include:

  • Date
  • Claim number
  • Claimant name
  • New address
  • The claimant's authorizing signature

Please provide an updated telephone number if appropriate.


Mail the address change request to your claim manager:

Crime Victims Compensation Program
Department of Labor & Industries
P.O. Box 44520
Olympia, WA 98504-4520


Fax the address change request to your claim manager. The claim manager should be advised before the fax is sent.

Fax: 360‑902‑5333


Email: CrimeVictimsProgramM@Lni.wa.gov

Always include the claim number on every fax page.