Latest News for Vocational Providers
REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR: Out-of-State & Out-of-Country Vocational Services
Job Analyses, Job Descriptions, and Providers
Upcoming Quality Assurance Plan Meetings with Vocational Firms
Reminder: CTS Language Link will not be available at the end of the month
Upcoming Pension Webinar and New Resource
Skill Enhancement Training Outcome EVOC
Joel Sacks reappointed as director of Washington Labor & Industries
Employer incentives go up in 2025
Updated Self-Insurance Vocational Reporting Form (SIVRF)
New on-demand telephonic interpretation system available January 2, 2025
New! Skill Enhancement Training Billing Guide
Update! Intern Supervisor Expectations Form
Payment Policy Update - Skill Enhancement Training
New! Skill Enhancement Training resources
How to prevent therapy authorization delays and payment denials
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Out-of-State & Out-of-Country Vocational Services
Feb. 21, 2025
L&I is hosting a webinar for vocational providers focusing on best practices for providing worker-centric vocational services to workers who have moved outside of Washington. We have requested one continuing education credit through CRC and CDMS for each registered participant with confirmed attendance.
Beyond Borders: Delivering Worker-Centric Vocational Services to Out-of-State and Out-of-Country Workers
Date: March 12, 2025
Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Do not share your personal Zoom link as attendance and credit are tracked by a unique link assigned to each individual.
Topics include:
- Helping workers when they relocate outside of Washington State.
- Handling common payment, communication, and medical delays on out-of-state claims.
- Collaborating with specialized claim units to move out-of-state/country claims forward.
Questions? Email the Vocational Recovery Project with “Out-of-State & Out-of-Country Webinar” in the subject line.
Job Analyses, Job Descriptions, and Providers
Feb. 20, 2025
This information is to help vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) understand which providers can review a worker’s Job Analyses (JA) and Job Description (JD). While many providers may use JAs as part of their treatment plans, not all of them have authority to provide recommendations. Unauthorized comments can cause delays and confusion for the Claim Manager’s (CM) adjudication process and may lead to denial of the provider’s bills.
The CM determines the medical information used to adjudicate the claim. If there are multiple providers involved in the claim, the VRC should staff with the CM to determine the appropriate provider(s) to address job analyses.
Please use the chart below when working with providers to determine who may provide comments on a worker’s JA and JD:
Provider Type | Able to comment on JA and JD? |
ARNP | Yes |
Chiropractor | Yes |
Dentist | Yes, if the AP |
Optometrist/Ophthalmologist | Yes |
MD or DO | Yes |
Naturopath | Yes |
Psychiatrist, Psychiatric ARNP | Yes |
Psychologist | No |
Master's Level Therapist (i.e. LICSW, LMFT, or LMHC) | No |
PT, OT, MT | No |
Physician Assistant | Yes |
Please staff with the CM before sending IME responses to JAs to treating provider(s).
For more information, please review this Quick Reference Fee Card for Attending Physician (AP) guidance.
For questions, email
Upcoming Quality Assurance Plan Meetings with Vocational Firms
Feb. 11, 2025
The vocational services quality assurance (QA) team is scheduling QA Plan meetings. A request for information will be included in the invitation and to support a robust discussion about your firm’s internal quality assurance activities.
In your meeting invitation, L&I is requesting your firm’s written plans on the following elements:
- Training interns and continued training for all vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs). Provide:
- A high-level summary your approach for training interns.
- Your process for ensuring continued training and awareness of L&I resources.
- Offering community resources and incentive programs to workers. Outline:
- How you ensure VRCs are offering resources and incentive programs to the worker and employer.
- Your actions to ensure resources offered are relevant and focused on the workers unique goals and needs.
- Your process for ensuring the VRC follows-up with the worker on resources provided.
- Addressing Aged AWA referrals.
- Provide an outline of the firm’s strategies for addressing Aged AWA referrals.
- Review of one of your Aged AWA referrals (L&I provides the randomly selected claim number).
- Discuss barriers experienced by the worker and VRC that prevent resolution of the referral. Help L&I understand the root causes that lead to extended time off work and brainstorm best practices to help avoid and overcome long-term work disability.
NOTE: Submit the information in one document, if possible.
What else will be discussed in QA plan meetings?
We will authenticate the number of counselors available to receive new vocational recovery referrals. Having accurate counts is important to assure effectiveness of L&I’s referral distribution model. You will receive an authentication list approximately two weeks before the scheduled meeting. The list includes the:
- Name of each counselor
- Status of referral availability
- Attached service locations, and;
- Intern supervisor designations (interns are also included in this list).
For questions on QA billing activities, review the Billing & Payment Policies (MARFS).
For general questions, email the Vocational Recovery Project.
Reminder: CTS Language Link will not be available at the end of the month
Feb. 10, 2025
A friendly reminder that CTS Language Link will no longer be available after Feb. 28.
We have seen an increase in the use of the WordBridge On-Demand services by vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs). Thank you for your support in using the new system.
We are sending this reminder to urge VRCs to start with WordBridge On-Demand first and only use CTS Language Link if SOSi lets you know that they could not secure an interpreter. Doing so helps ensure interpreters remain engaged and that you will have the interpreter services you need on March 1.
On average, we receive 80 calls daily from VRCs. As calls have increased, access to services has improved. The number of interpreters logged in to take your calls almost doubled this week.
L&I meets with SOSi daily to review all calls. We are aware of the coverage issues for languages, like Vietnamese and Pashto. SOSi already increased their recruitment efforts to address this gap. It’s important for us that you have consistent access to high quality interpretation services. Your use of the system and continued feedback helps us with that effort.
From our review of calls, we have identified some tips for success:
- Only use WordBridge On-Demand when necessary for immediate needs. All scheduled appointments should be requested through the WordBridge portal. More interpreters for rare languages are available through the portal than the On-Demand system. For rare languages, please make extra effort to use the portal.
- Have the worker on the line before calling WordBridge. There is an option for the operator to call the worker, if needed, but it will result in additional steps that are avoided if the worker is on the line with you before calling.
- Know your WordBridge account ID.
- Have the following worker/claim information ready:
- Claim number
- Worker’s first and last name
- Date of injury
- Employer name (for self-insured claims only).
Please continue to share any technical issues, concerns, and ways to improve any of the processes. For questions and help, contact SOSi at and L&I Interpreter Services program at
Upcoming Pension Webinar and New Resource
Jan. 28, 2025
Webinar - SNA2 and SNA4: Not Able to Participate in Vocational Services
We are hosting a webinar for vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) about claims when a worker can’t participate in vocational services due to their injury or the combination of the injury and their pre-existing conditions.
Date: February 26, 2025
Time: Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Registered and confirmed attendees receive one continuing education unit (CEU). Please don’t share your personal Zoom link. Attendance and credit are tracked by a unique link assigned to each individual.
A confirmation is sent via email to registrants with information on how to join the webinar.
New Resource - Pension: When the Worker Passes Away
We created a new online resource, “Pension – When a Worker Passes Away,” following the webinar last December. The new resource is available in the VRC Resource Library on L&I’s website.
Questions? Email the Vocational Recovery Project.
Skill Enhancement Training Outcome EVOC
Jan. 9, 2025
Skill Enhancement Training (SET) is an innovative new funding for workers compensation. No other jurisdiction offers opportunities for skill development while the worker is healing and participating in early vocational services.
Because it is innovative, L&I is tracking worker outcomes for SET courses. Vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) must submit outcome information through an EVOC upon the course completion.
We are collaborating with IT staff to create a dedicated SET EVOC within the Claims and Account Center (CAC). However, this is not yet available for use. Until the SET EVOC is available, please use the provided template to copy and paste into a standard EVOC form.
Firms will be notified once the designated SET EVOC is ready for use in CAC.
For questions, email
Welcome New VRAC Members
Dec. 27, 2024
The Vocational Recovery Advisory Committee (VRAC) is excited to welcome three new members:
- Nicole Dupré, Advanced Vocational Solutions, Inc.
- Brian Roberts, Disability Management & Consulting
- Krista Main, Eastside Vocational Services
Nicole, Brian, and Krista are active members in the vocational community, with connections to IARP, IMG, and WSIA. They are leaders in their industry, and we look forward to their ideas as we collaborate and explore improvements in 2025.
The committee now has 14 vocational firm representatives and 16 staff from L&I’s Return to Work Partnerships program and Claims. VRAC’s mission is to identify, prioritize, and take action to elevate vocational services within the Washington workers’ compensation system.
For questions, email the Vocational Recovery Project.
Employer incentives go up in 2025
Dec. 23, 2024
Effective Jan. 1, 2025:
- Pre-Job Accommodations benefits increase to $10,000 per claim for all dates of injury.
- Job Modification benefits increase to $10,000 per claim for all dates of injury.
- Stay at Work benefits increase for claims with a date of injury on or after Jan. 1, 2025:
- 50% of wages for 120 working days (maximum of $25,000)
- $5,000 for tools and equipment
- $2,000 for training
- $1,000 for clothing
- Preferred Worker Program benefits increase for claims with a date of injury on or after Jan. 1, 2025:
- 50% of wages for 120 working days (maximum of $25,000)
- $5,000 for tools and equipment
- $1,000 for clothing
- $25,000 after 12 months of continuous employment
Sign up for a January webinar to learn more about Stay at Work and Preferred Worker Program benefit changes.
Updated Self-Insurance Vocational Reporting Form (SIVRF)
Dec. 23, 2024
L&I’s Self-Insurance Vocational Reporting Form (SIVRF) has been updated. This form is a cover sheet for self-insured vocational recommendations submitted to the department. We ask vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) to help self-insured employers complete the updated form.
What’s new?
- Added new section for Skill Enhancement Training (SET) requests.
- Removed RTW1 and ATW1 outcomes.
- Added descriptions to clarify when to submit the form.
- New entry field includes the date an Option 2 selection was received.
Please use the updated form immediately. Prior versions of the form will be accepted until March 31, 2025.
Questions? Email
New on-demand telephonic interpretation system available January 2, 2025
Dec. 20, 2024
L&I’s interpreter services vendor SOSi will launch their phone line “WordBridge On-Demand” on January 2, 2025. This phone line supports medical and vocational providers with their on-demand telephonic interpretation needs 24/7, every day of the year.
WordBridge On-Demand will eventually replace CTS Language Link. CTS Language Link will continue to be available until February 28, 2025. However, providers are encouraged to use WordBridge On-Demand as soon as possible after January 2 to ensure a smooth transition. This overlap in services will help ensure on-demand telephonic services without interruption.
Information for Medical and Vocational Providers
Providers will be able to validate claim eligibility before interpreter services are initiated to ensure payment for interpretation services. Only L&I providers treating Washington state fund, self-insured, and crime victim patients may access the WordBridge on-demand services. For all other claims, please coordinate with the insurer to obtain interpreter services.
You must be registered in WordBridge in order to access on-demand telephonic interpretation services. SOSi will send an email to all scheduling staff authorized in WordBridge with your organization’s WordBridge account ID, which will be required in order request on-demand interpretation services.
WordBridge On-Demand Provider User Guide
Visit the L&I website for WordBridge registration instructions or email the Interpreter Services program:
Information for Language Access Providers (LAPs)
WordBridge On-Demand will provide flexibility for LAPs who make a meaningful difference and impact the lives of the L&I providers and Limited English Proficient workers and crime victims we serve.
Visit for registration instructions, training videos, and a reference guide.
If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please reach out to SOSi help desk at 1-888-224-0126 or via email
New! Skill Enhancement Training Billing Guide
Dec. 18, 2024
A new Skill Enhancement Training (SET) Billing Guide is available for training providers when billing for SET services.
Vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs) are encouraged to direct training providers to this resource and help them understand the requirements and timelines for billing SET courses.
For questions, email Vocational Recovery Project.
Update! Intern Supervisor Expectations Form
Dec. 11, 2024
L&I and the Vocational Recovery Advisory Committee (VRAC) have updated the Vocational Intern Supervisor Expectations Form. This form outlines the skills interns need in order to meet L&I’s expectations as they complete their internship.
The updated form must be completed and submitted by Friday, Jan. 31, 2025, to Private Sector Rehabilitation Services (PSRS) at
The updated form includes new topics and resources to reorganize the order of information, and to align the skills with each specific referral type. This form is only required for interns assisting with State Fund referrals.
The intern supervisor should:
- Complete and sign this form with intern’s signature, every six months of the internship.
- Initial and date each skill the intern has successfully demonstrated.
If you have questions or concerns, please email
Payment Policy Update - Skill Enhancement Training
Dec. 9, 2024
Sharing important payment policy information about Skill Enhancement Training.
Effective January 1, 2025, workers who qualify may choose to use this incentive when they are in a qualifying vocational referral and have been assigned a vocational rehabilitation counselor.
See the updated to MARFS Chapter 30: Vocational Services and our Updates and Corrections page for details.
Questions? Email the Vocational Recovery Project.
New! Skill Enhancement Training resources
Dec. 2, 2024
New resources about Skill Enhancement Training (SET) will soon be available on L&I’s website. The new resources include:
- SET Guidelines for Vocational Providers
- SET Application (current version - updates coming soon)
- Narrative Report
As a reminder, L&I is not accepting SET applications until Jan. 1, 2025.
For questions, email the Vocational Recovery Project.
How to prevent therapy authorization delays and payment denials
Dec. 2, 2024
2nd set Physical and Occupational Therapy Visits for State Fund Claims:
- Are you seeking authorization for visits 13-24 (2nd set)? Send in our updated L&I Service Authorization Request form. These are processed by our Provider Hotline (PHL).
- PHL will now be responsible for addressing and sharing the decision for ALL 2nd set and date extension requests.
- Send in your 2nd set request early if you know you will need more than the initial 12 visits, and you have an active referral.
- Know the claim visit count to determine how to seek authorization. To verify the current count, call our automated line at 800-831-5227. The line will also provide claim contacts, claim status, and billing status.
- Find PHLs current authorization processing date on their page.
- Complete and submit your monthly progress report on our required Physical Medicine Progress Report
- Fax your progress reports as well as your other clinical documentation to the L&I claim file at 360-902-4567. (Initial evaluation, discharge summary, daily chart notes, and flow sheets)
- Bill us for authorized services without delay.
- Need a 2nd set date extension? Fax us the original approved form with your new ending date.
See our Provider Hotline page and Physical, Occupational, and Massage Therapy page for more information.
Questions related to authorization or billing, contact PHL by:
- Emailing or
- Scheduling a phone call appointment.