Find contact information for L&I's vocational service specialists, get WorkSource assistance, and get phone numbers for help with questions on specific vocational programs and subjects.

Vocational services specialists
Vocational services specialists supervisors
Send vocational firm and provider information to L&I
L&I WorkSource assistance
Specific subjects
General questions
Other contacts

Contact the unit-aligned vocational services specialists

Printable phone list for the vocational services specialists and supervisors (updated November 2024)

Vocational Services Specialists
Unit Phone number
M, V 509-454-3754​
H, Y 360-902-5030
8, 9 360-902-6603
B, U, 1 360-902-6514
O, 3 360-902-4833
F, R, Z 360-902-5850​
A, W 360-902-6106​​
N, L 360-902-6483
G, 7 360-902-6201
P, Q 360-902-5564
C, E 360-902-5192
X, D 360-902-6488
5 509-735-0147
J, K 360-647-7309
4, 6 360-902-4610
Self-Insurance​ 360-902-5067​

Contact the unit-aligned vocational services specialists' supervisors

Vocational Services Specialists supervisors
Unit Phone number
C, D, E, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, V, X, Y,4, 6 360-902-6203
A, B, D, F, G, J, L, N, O, R, U, W, Z, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 360-902-6685​

VSS Activity Reports

January - February 2025

Send vocational firm and provider information to L&I

Use this chart to find where to send vocational firm and provider information to L&I.

L&I WorkSource assistance

Find contact information for L&I's vocational services specialists, co-located in WorkSource centers across the state. Also, find contact information for re-employment specialists statewide.

Printable phone list for L&I WorkSource assistance (updated December 2023)

Whatcom,  Skagit, Island counties

Bellingham, Mt. Vernon WorkSource

Phone: 360-982-1561
Fax: 360-704-1966

Snohomish County

Everett WorkSource

Phone: 425-258-6314
Fax: 360-704-1966

King County

North Seattle WorkSource

Phone: 425-961-2776
Fax: 360-704-1967

Central Seattle - Rainier WorkSource

Phone: 206-939-3822
Fax: 360-704-1967

Auburn WorkSource

Phone: 206-305-0168
Fax: 360-704-1967

Pierce County

Tacoma WorkSource

Phone: 235-278-4610
Fax: 360-704-1961

Kitsap, Clallam, Jefferson counties

Silverdale and Sequim WorkSource

Phone: 360-535-9313
Fax: 360-308-2848

Thurston, Grays, Mason, Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania, Klickitat counties

Tumwater WorkSource

Phone: 360-584-8827
Fax: 360-704-1962

Vancouver WorkSource

Phone: 360-904-6308
Fax: 360-704-1962

Benton, Franklin, Columbia, Walla Walla counties

Kennewick WorkSource

Phone: 509-734-5297 and 509-539-3647
Fax: 360-704-1968

Yakima, Kittitas, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan counties

Union Gap WorkSource

Phone: 509-237-2071
Fax: 360-704-1968

Spokane, Stevens, Lincoln, Whitman counties

Spokane WorkSource

Phone: 509-532-3077 and 509-934-6597
Fax: 360-704-1979

Questions on specific subjects

Option 2: 360-902-9135

Job modification, pre-job accommodation and work hardening:  360-902-4480

Self-Insurance for vocational rehabilitation: 360-902-5067

Vocational provider registration: 360-902-5447

Preferred Worker Program: 1-800-845-2634

Private vocational schools: 360-902-4854

Vocational Services website: Email Vocational Recovery Project

VocLink Connect web customer support: 360-902-5999

General questions about vocational services

Email: Vocational Recovery Project

Other contacts

Private Sector Rehabilitation Services

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
PO Box 44326
Olympia WA 98504-44326

Phone: 360-902-5447

Vocational Dispute Resolution Office

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
PO Box 44880
Olympia WA 98504-4880

Phone: 360-902-6930
Fax: 360-902-9100