The Washington state legislature enacts laws that govern the state. Laws are contained in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with each individual law being given its own RCW number.
To learn more about the industrial insurance RCW, see Title 51 RCW.
State agencies codify the RCW laws and adopt rules to implement them within their agency. Those agency-specific rules are in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Each individual rule is given has its own WAC number.
- Rules & Regulations for Self-Insurance Workers' Compensation (Chapter 296-15 WAC)
To learn more about the industrial insurance rules, please refer to these WACs:
- Industrial insurance (296-14 WAC)
- Workers' compensation Self-Insurance rules and regulations (296-15 WAC)
- Medical aid rules (296-20 WAC)
- Reimbursement policies: psychiatric services, biofeedback, physical medicine (296-21 WAC)
- Radiology, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, pathology, hospital, chiropractic, physical therapy, drugless therapeutics and nursing — drugless therapeutics, etc. (296-23 WAC)
- Hospitals (296-23A WAC)
- Ambulatory surgery center payment (296-23B WAC)
To learn more about updates, see Rulemaking Activity.