Laws & Rules

This is your gateway to the laws, existing rules, rules in development, and policies for L&I’s program regulating manufactured and mobile homes, food trucks, and other mobile or modular structures. Here you can learn about:

  • Applicable laws and rules.
  • New rules being developed.
  • How to get involved with the rulemaking process.
  • New policies the program develops.

If you have a question about a rule, law or policy, email us at

Laws & Rules

The state Legislature enacts laws regulating manufactured and mobile homes, food trucks, and other mobile or modular structures.

These laws are in chapters 43.22 and 43.22A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW).

Agencies adopt rules to implement laws. Rules implementing the laws in chapter 43.22 and 43.22(a) are codified in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) at Title 296-Chapter 49A, and 150C, 150F, 150I, 150M, 150P, 150R, 150T, and 150V.

The RCW and WAC are maintained and updated by the State Office of the Code Reviser.

If you receive an error message when referencing a link to a specific section of a WAC or RCW, try your search at the Washington State Legislative Search page.

For more information


Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

Code of federal regulations

Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

Contact Us
1-800-705-1411 Option 3

Mailing Address
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
PO Box 44430
Olympia WA 98504-4430

7273 Linderson Way SW
Tumwater WA 98501

Rule Development

When L&I officially announces a rule, it does so under law through permanent rulemaking, expedited rulemaking or emergency rulemaking changes to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Learn more about the rulemaking process and common rulemaking terms.

2024 Rulemaking

Fee Increase

L&I is considering a fee increase to cover operating expenses for L&I’s Factory Assembled Structures (FAS) Program. 

A fee increase by the fiscal growth factor rate of 6.4% is under consideration. The agency filed a Proposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) on June 4.

The Changes affect rules under:

Rulemaking documents
Notice of Intent (06/04/2024)

Here’s what happens next

  • Aug. 6: The proposed rules (CR-102) are expected to be filed with the state Office of the Code Reviser.
  • Sept. 2024: A public hearing on the proposed rules is tentatively scheduled for 9 a.m.
  • Oct. 22, 2025: The final rules (CR-103) are expected to be filed with the state Office of the Code Reviser.
  • January 1, 2024: The new rules are expected to take effect.

2023 Rulemaking

House Bill 1514 and Senate Bill 5089

L&I has adopted changes to the factory assembled structures rules. The changes affect L&I’s Factory Assembled Structures (FAS) Advisory Board, and distributing inspection insignia to manufacturers of recreational vehicles. These changes are necessary after passage of two bills in 2023 that took effect July 23: House Bill 1514 (HB 1514), and Senate Bill 5089 (SB 5089).

The agency filed a CR-103 Adoption Order on June 18, for changes under chapter 296-49A, 296-150P, and 296-150R WAC. The adopted rules take effect July 22.

About the new statutory amendments

HB 1514 streamlines the plan review process. It allows manufacturers of recreational vehicles (RV) and recreational park trailers to request and purchase insignia while their plans are under review by L&I’s FAS Program. The metal labels mark the structure as meeting construction requirements.

SB 5089 was an L&I request bill that amends membership for the FAS Advisory Board. Changes include:

  • Increasing the number of board members from nine to at least 11:
  • Adding representatives for allied trades such as electricians, plumbers, and laborers;
  • Adding diversity considerations for Board appointments; and
  • Requiring members to apply for reappointment if serving consecutive terms.
    The new statutory changes also make technical and clean-up changes under Chapters  43.22 and 43.22A RCW.

The adopted rule amendments include:

  • Making changes to the plan review require requires for RVs and recreational park trailers to be consistency with the changes to the statute under HB 1514; and
  • Updating the FAS Advisory Board rules to align with SB 5089, including consideration of adding new members to the Advisory Board representing the allied trades and other regulated industries; and
  • Making various updates and clean-up changes under chapter 296-49A WAC.

Rulemaking documents

Notice of Intent (09/19/2023)

Proposed Rule Language (12/19/2023)

Final Adoption (06/18/2024)

            Rulemaking for new legislation 

            During the 2019 legislative session, the state Legislature enacted laws affecting factory assembled structures. The changes included:

            • Requirements for energy efficiency.
            • Delegation of inspection duties.
            • Tiny houses.

            These changes require L&I to engage in rulemaking.

            During the 2019 legislative session, L&I separately filed a preproposal statement of inquiry (called a CR-101) (WSR 19-06-069, filed March 5, 2019). The preproposal would have adopted rules allowing for inspection and approval of manufactured building panels prior to shipment to a construction site within the state. The preproposal would also have made updates, clarifications, and housekeeping changes.

            Instead of conducting two separate rulemakings - one to address legislative changes and one to consider a new rule - L&I has determined it is a better use of agency resources to consolidate all of the required changes into one rulemaking.

            As a matter of procedure, the agency has withdrawn the preproposal. The agency instead has filed a new preproposal to consider changes to WAC chapter 296-150F related to:

            • Requirements for energy efficiency.
            • Delegation of inspection duties.
            • Tiny houses.
            • Inspection and approval of manufactured building panels prior to shipment to a construction site within the state.
            • Updates, clarifications, and housekeeping changes.

            Rulemaking documents

            For more information

            Contact us 

            1-800-705-1411 Option 3

            Mailing Address
            Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
            PO Box 44430
            Olympia, WA 98504-4430

            7273 Linderson Way SW
            Tumwater WA 98501