Owners and operators of petroleum refineries and petrochemical manufacturing facilities must ensure contractors and subcontractors working for them use only apprentices and journeypersons who have had 20 hours of advanced safety training from a course approved by L&I.


Refinery Worker Training and Certification in High Hazard Facilities (Chapter 296-71 WAC)  requires:

  • Skilled and trained workers to complete 20 hours of advanced safety training every three years.
  • Owners and operators of these facilities must document that the employees of all contractors and subcontractors working onsite are either registered apprentices or skilled journeypersons.
    • A registered apprentice is:
      • An active apprentice in a Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council (WSATC)-approved apprenticeship program.
    • A skilled journeyperson is someone who:
      • Has either graduated from a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program for the applicable occupation or has at least as many hours of on-the-job experience as would be required to graduate; and
      • Is paid a rate commensurate with a rate typically paid for the occupation, and no less than the 75th percentile in the applicable occupation and geographic area in the most recent occupational employment statistics published by the Employment Security Department.
  • A phased-in schedule for percentages of skilled journeyperson who must be graduates from a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program:

ESHB 1817/RCW 49.80 Implementation Schedule

Implementation Date Requirement
January 1, 2020 The skilled and trained worker requirements apply to work performed under contracts awarded, extended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2020. 

The applicable requirements in place are:
  • Workers covered by the bill are either registered apprentices or skilled journey persons. 
January 1, 2021 The skilled and trained worker requirements apply to work performed under contracts awarded before January 1, 2020. 

The applicable requirements in place are:
  •  Workers covered by the bill are either registered apprentices or skilled journey persons. 
  • 20% of skilled journeypersons must be graduates of a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program.
January 1, 2022 New requirements in place:
  • 35% of skilled journeypersons must be graduates of a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program.
  • All covered workers must have completed the 20 hour safety training.
January 1, 2023 New requirement in place:
  • 45% of skilled journeypersons must be graduates of a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program.
January 1, 2024 New requirement in place:
  • 60% of skilled journeypersons must be graduates of a WSATC-approved apprenticeship program.
Worker Certification

In order to work at a petroleum refinery or petrochemical manufacturing facility, any registered apprentice or skilled journeyperson (as defined in WAC 296-71-003) must have a Course Completion Certificate. The certificate is issued after completing an approved 20-hour advanced safety training course.

How can I find an approved training course?

You must choose an HHFP-approved course. A list is at the end of this page. Sponsors of approved courses will have a letter of approval issued from the HHFP.

Who issues certificates?

L&I issues the certificate via email. The certificate is good for three years.

How do I renew my certification?

 To renew, complete another 20-hour approved course.


States with recognized 20-hour high hazard facilities training certifications:

  • California

Approved Advanced Safety Training Courses

Boilermakers Local 502
Phone: 253-435-0330
Email: manthony502@comcast.net
Website: www.boilermakers502.org
Training Location:

  • 16621 110th Ave E
    Puyallup, WA 98374

Finishing Trades Institute Northwest (FTINW)
Phone: 206-762-8332
Email: marks@ftinw.org
Website: www.ftinw.org
Training Location:

  • 6770 E. Marginal Way S.
    Bldg E. Ste 102
    Seattle, WA 98108

Heat & Frost Insulators Local 7
Phone: 425-235-7827
Email: Kinsman@local7insulators.org
Website: www.local7insulators.org
Training Locations:

  • Renton Technical College
    3000 NE 4th Street
    Renton, WA 98056
  • Plumbers & Steam Fitter Local 26 hall
    780 Chrysler Dr
    Burlington, WA 98233

Integrity Safety 
Phone: 360-299-1208
Email: info@integritysafety.com
Website: www.integritysafety.com
Training and Testing Offices:

  • Vancouver – Corporate
    13912 NE 20th Ave Suite 201
    Vancouver, WA 98686

  • Anacortes
    12389 Reservation RD  Suite B
    Anacortes, WA 98221

  • Ferndale
    7049 Kickerville RD
    Ferndale, WA 98248

Northwest Laborers Employers Training Trust
27055 Ohio Ave NE
Kingston, WA 98346
Phone: 1-800-240-9112
Website: www.nwlett.org
Training locations:

  • Fox Hall Best Western
    1661 W Bakerview Rd,
    Bellingham, WA 98226

  • Holiday Inn and Suites
    4260 Mitchell Way
    Bellingham, WA 98226

  • Local 252T
    4803 S. M Street
    Tacoma, WA 98408
  • Local 335
    2212 NE. Andresen Road
    Vancouver, WA 98661

NW WA Electrical Industry JATC
Phone: 360-428-5080
Email: theresa@nwejatc.org
Website: www.nwejatc.org
Training Location:

  • 306 Anderson Road
    Mt Vernon, WA 98273

Operating Engineers Regional Training Program OERTP
Phone: 509-968-3203
Email: jbennett@oetraining.com
Website: www.oetraining.com
Training locations:

  • IUOE local 302 union hall in Bothell
  • IUOE local 612 union hall in Tacoma

Refinery Pass 20 Hour High Hazard Facility Training
Phone: 925-470-7987
Email: Rick@RefineryPass.com
Website: RefineryPass.com
P.O. Box 187
Crestline, CA 92325
Training locations: TBD

Southwest Mountain States Carpenters Training Fund (SWMSCTF)
Phone: (360) 525-9419 ext. 1086
Email: jcrump@swmsctf.org
Website: www.swmsctf.org
Training Location:

  • 20424 72nd Ave S
    Kent ,WA 98032
Training Course Approval

Who can apply?

Any person or entity can sponsor a 20-hour advanced safety training course designed to certify workers for work at petroleum refineries or petrochemical manufacturing facilities.

What is required?

Training courses must offer in-person and laboratory instruction and satisfy the requirements outlined in the rule, WAC 296-71-030. Courses should also cover the general and specific content specified in Appendix A (Note - This updated Appendix A reflects clarification intended to assist training providers preparing curriculum and to avoid unintended jurisdiction issues. A copy of the original version of Appendix A can be found in Chapter 296-71 WAC).

The course sponsor must get approval for their course from DOSH’s High Hazard Facilities Program (HHFP) before conducting training sessions. Approvals last three years and can be renewed for another three years after that.

How do I get my course approved?

Follow these steps and refer to WAC 296-71-030 and Appendix A for further details.

1. Submit course content.

  • Create a MyL&I account OR gain HHF access through your existing MyL&I account
  • Once you gain access to enter the portal, submit your materials using that system.

2. Wait at least 60 days (or 30 days if renewing) for your submission to get evaluated.

  • During this period, the HHFP will review content for accuracy, adequacy, training techniques, instructor competency, student evaluation forms, and other requirements.
  • You will receive letter of approval by email from the HHFP when the evaluation is done.

What’s next after I get course approval?

Sponsors must submit every scheduled class session with date, time, and location in the HHFP portal at least 14-days before the scheduled start date of a training session.

When you conduct training, keep in mind:

  • An HHFP representative may observe training for verification purposes.
  • Limit training sessions to no more than 50 students and ensure you have 2 instructors if you have more than 25 students.
  • You are required to keep a class roster of participants that complete training and must submit that roster to the HHFP within 10 days after the course.
  • You must retain records and allow the HHFP reasonable access for a minimum of 4 years; and, notify the HHFP if you no longer will conduct training- this gives L&I the opportunity to obtain and preserve training records.
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