Customers can call, email, or schedule a phone appointment for their billing and authorization questions Monday thru Friday.
- Provider Hotline 800-848-0811 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- To schedule an appointment between 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Schedule a return call
- Send a request by secure email:
Current secure email processing date
Current paper bill keying date
To find out what services are authorized by the provider hotline, check our fee lookup tool.
Requests for authorization
For the following treatments and services you can request authorization by faxing your request to 360-902-6490.
Physical or Occupational therapy
- First 12 visits - no authorization needed
- 13th -24th visits - Complete Physical/Occupational/Massage Therapy Provider Hotline Service Authorization Request (F245-417-000) and fax
- Over 24 visits - Requires utilization review Comagine Health (UR)
Massage Therapy
- First 6 visits - no authorization needed.
- 6th -12th visits - Complete Physical/Occupational/Massage Therapy Provider Hotline Service Authorization Request (F245-417-000) and fax.
- Over 12 visits - contact claim manager.
Hearing aid repairs/replacement*/supplies and durable medical equipment
- Complete Hearing Aid Repair/Replacement Durable Medical Equipment Provider Hotline Service Authorization Request (F245-418-000) and fax
*A Hearing Services Worker Information form (F245-049-000) must be completed and faxed with Hearing Aid Replacement requests.
Note: Claim managers have final authorization
To find out what services are authorized by the provider hotline, check our fee lookup tool.
Did you know?
The provider hotline can assist you by:
- Researching complex billing issues.
- In order for staff to answer your billing questions, you must have first reviewed your L&I PDF Remittance Advice. When calling the provider hotline, please have your remittance advice readily available.
- Answering questions regarding the Medical Aid Rules, Washington Administrative Code (WAC) or Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
- Provide visit counts for Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy and Massage Therapy.
You can now obtain the following information from our Automated Claim and Billing Information Line at 1-800-831-5227:
- Claim manager's name.
- Claim status.
- Authorization status.
- Bill payment status.
- Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Massage Therapy visit counts.
Billing Website
For additional questions contact the Provider Hotline at or schedule a phone call appointment for your billing and authorization questions. Schedule an appointment.