Become an Interpreter

Per RCW 39.26.300, L&I must purchase in-person spoken language interpreter services directly from language access providers, or through limited contracts with scheduling and coordinating delivery organizations, or both.

Become an Interpreter

For spoken language interpretation services (in-person, telephonic, and video remote)

Interpreters must sign up for the scheduling system. An L&I provider ID isn't required for scheduling system interpretation

For out-of-state in-person spoken language interpretation services

Out-of-state interpreters working strictly out-of-state and outside the border zip codes that start with 970, 971, 972, 978 in Oregon and 835 or 838 in Idaho are required to have an individual L&I provider ID, using the application below.

As of May 15, 2021, L&I no longer accepts interpreter agency applications. Also, all Washington State on-demand interpreter accounts have been deactivated effective June 17, 2024. On-demand interpreter services must be covered through WordBridge.

Out-of-state in-person and sign language interpreters must:

  1. Complete the Submission of Provider Credentials for Interpretive Services form (F245-055-000) to obtain your L&I provider account number for billing and payment.
  2. Provide a copy of your credentials.
  3. Submit the completed L&I forms with copies of your credentials to:

Fax: 360-902-4484
Provider Accounts and Credentialing
PO Box 44261
Olympia, WA 98504-4261

Maintaining credentials

Interpreters are responsible for maintaining their credentials as required by the credentialing agency or organization. Should the interpreter's credentials expire or be removed for cause or any other reason, the interpreter must immediately notify SOSi, L&I, or self-insurer(s).

Changes to your status or other account information

To prevent payment delays, you must notify us of any changes to your address, or business status. To make changes, visit: Change Your Provider Account

L&I Administrative Policy

Chapter 14: Language Access Services for Spoken Languages

Questions? Contact us at

Accepted Credentials

Credentials L&I accepts

Interpreters and translators are required to have at least 1 credential in good standing (not revoked) from one or more of the agencies or organizations listed in Chapter 14: Language Access Services for Spoken Languages of our payment policies. Interpreters must have either a Department of Social and Health Services Certification, Washington Association of the courts Certification, or a nationally recognized certificate.

Interpreters for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Sign interpreters are required to have certification from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID). L&I accepts the Provisional Deaf Interpreter Credential (PDIC). Interpreters who hold this credential must submit either the National Interpreter Certification or the Certified Deaf Interpreter certification from RID following the expiration of the PDIC. 

Credentials from other organizations or states

Interpreters located outside of Washington state must submit credentials from their state Medicaid program, state or national court systems, or other nationally recognized programs. For interpreters from any geographic area, credentials submitted from agencies or organizations other than those listed in the payment policy, may be accepted if the testing criteria can be verified as meeting the minimum standards listed below. Testing must be administered by a third-party organization whose business is to conduct certification for interpreters (i.e., interpreter agency owners may not test their own interpreters). 

L&I reserves the right to review all testing and decline certification if the certificate doesn't meet the minimum criteria. 

Testing criteria

Out of state interpreter test consists of, at minimum:

  • A written test in English; and
  • A verbal test of sight translation in both English, and other tested language(s); and
  • A verbal test of consecutive interpretation in both languages.
  • For those providing services in a legal setting, a verbal test of simultaneous interpretation in both languages

Interpreter agency owners may not test their own interpreters.

Obtaining Credentials

Obtaining Credentials for Interpreters

The following agencies and organizations offer certification or qualification testing. This list is neither comprehensive nor an endorsement of any of these agencies or organizations. It is provided for information purposes only.

Agency or organization