Electronic pharmacy billing is unavailable due to a widespread cyberattack on a company we use to process pharmacy bills. We apologize for the disruption as we continue work to restore connectivity as soon as possible.

Interim solution: Please continue dispensing maintenance medications to workers if the prescriptions were previously covered under their claim, and then process for reimbursement when electronic billing is restored. For new prescriptions or if coverage is otherwise uncertain, contact the PDL Hotline at 888-443-6798 for verification of coverage. Thank you for your patience.

Pharmacy Services

L&I covers outpatient drugs prescribed to treat industrial injuries or disease. Coverage is based on evidence of drug safety, efficacy and cost. Most drugs that are commonly used for work-related injuries are included on the formulary. Pharmacies can submit drug bills electronically using L&I’s point-of-sale billing system. For general prescription coverage and billing questions, refer to the resources below or call the Preferred Drug List Hotline at 888-443-6798 or 360-902-4321 Monday – Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.