Accreditation Statement:

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

  • The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries designates Enduring Material activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
  • The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries certifies that non-physicians have participated in Enduring Material activities designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.

As a public agency and an accredited provider of CME, L&I does not accept support or sponsorship from commercial interests, nor are they involved in any part of CME activities. All CME contributors must disclose any relationship with commercial parties and must be free of any real or potential conflicts of interest. The content developers for the Active Rehabilitation of Work-related Low Back Conditions training do not have any financial relationships with any commercial interests.

Our CME mission is to advance provider knowledge, competence, and /or performance so Washington State workers receive high quality evidence based care, and provider's interactions with L&I are timely and effective.

Our goals are to:

  1. Provide current evidence-based recommendations for treating workers.
  2. Share best practices to close treatment gaps and improve patient outcomes.
  3. Assist providers in their practice management by understanding the medical-legal environment of workers’ compensation.
Training Catalog CME/CE

Training Catalog

L&I's OMD Training Catalog includes free opportunities to earn CME or CE certificates*. 

*After each completed activity L&I will generate and send you your certificate.  Print or save them as needed because L&I cannot reproduce them.

Please note:  Medical Examiner’s Handbook (MEH) and Certification Test, and self-reported modules are not affected.

Continuing Medical Education (CME):


Conferences and Seminars

Upcoming seminars

There are no upcoming seminars.