Event Details

Board of Boiler Rules Study Session

Advisory Committee or Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
11 a.m.


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The Board of Boiler Rules and Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) have adopted changes to the state’s boiler rules under WAC 296-104-700, that increase fees by 5.58% for boiler and pressure vessel inspections and other Boiler Program public safety activities. A fee increase is needed to cover operating expenses. The fee increase is the state Office of Financial Management’s maximum allowable fiscal growth factor rate for fiscal year 2023. The new fees will take effect on July 1, 2022.

An update on the status of this rulemaking will be provided during the quarterly Board of Boiler Rules Study Session meeting.

L&I is also planning to submit proposals for changes under WAC 296-104-010, 296-104-255, and 296-104-260 for the Board’s consideration.

Additional information about the Board of Boiler Rules may be found here.

Contact information:
Please contact the Boiler Program to confirm the date, time, and location of any specific meeting. You can reach Boiler Program staff by email at Boiler@Lni.wa.gov or by calling 360-902-6400.

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