Event Details

Fire-Resistant Material Applicators (SHB 1323 Implementation)

Public Hearing on Proposed Rules
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
1:30 p.m.


To join electronically (Zoom):

To join by phone (audio only):
Meeting ID: 843 5589 1714
Passcode: 547980061

A pre-hearing overview will begin at 1:00 p.m. The hearing will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will continue until all oral comments are received.

L&I encourages the submittal of written comments, due by 5:00 p.m. on April 16, 2025.


The purpose of this rulemaking is to implement the requirements of Substitute House Bill 1323 (SHB 1323), codified as Chapter 49.105 RCW, under Chapter 296-156 WAC, Fire-resistant materials applicator certification. SHB 1323 requires a training and certification program be created for individuals who spray-on apply fire-resistant materials to buildings classified as construction types I, II, III, IV, and V, as defined by the International Building Code, and install fire-stop systems in risk category III and IV, as defined by the International Fire Code. Fire protection measures are critical design elements to control the spread of fire and help protect structural steel, contain fire, and limit damage. Fire-resistant materials help protect the lives of employees that work in these buildings by providing more time for them to evacuate in case of a fire. The sufficient training of applicators and proper installation of fire-resistant materials will aid in reducing the number and severity of fires in the workplace. This proposed rulemaking includes requirements for safety training certification for workers, curriculum for in-person classroom and hands on instruction, and approval of training providers.