Explosives Rulemaking: Safety standards for possession, handling, and use of explosives

The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) is conducting rulemaking related to Chapter 296-52 WAC, Safety standards for possession, handling and use of explosives.

See all the rulemaking activity for Explosives on our L&I Rulemaking page.


L&I filed a preproposal (CR-101) (41 KB PDF) with the Washington State Code Reviser January 23, 2018, to officially begin the rulemaking process. We are currently working with the Explosives Safety Stakeholder group (ESSG) Stakeholder Group to develop the proposed rule language.

Review of the draft language and development of the next steps in this rulemaking continues internally. The department will communicate explosives rulemaking updates on this web site. In addition, the department will communicate rulemaking next steps to stakeholders via email.

Learn more about our rulemaking process and terminology.

Meetings Rulemaking activity

Preproposal (CR-101) filed Jan. 23, 2018

Rules and Laws Resources

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An email list has been set up for L&I to share information about this workgroup and the meetings. Select the "Explosives Rulemaking" topic when you sign up to receive email updates.

Please contact Cathy Coates with any rulemaking questions: Cathy.coates@Lni.wa.gov or 360-902-5432.