Beginning January 1, 2025, adult entertainers have new rights. Key elements include:

  • Maximum leasing fee rates.
  • Written contract requirements.
  • Tip and gratuities protections.
  • Termination and rehire refusal notices.
  • Signage requirements.
  • Additional employee training.
  • Accessible panic buttons.
  • On-site security personnel.
  • Cleaning supply requirements.
  • Secure access areas.

Requirements for establishments which address safety and health include:

  • Providing training to employees other than entertainers.
  • Providing “accessible” panic buttons in specified areas of the establishment.
  • Recordkeeping and written policies/procedures related to blocklists.
  • Providing dedicated security personnel on-site.
  • Requirements related to cleaning supplies, secure access via keypad codes for dressing or locker rooms, and additional written processes and procedures.

It is unlawful for an establishment to retaliate against an entertainer because the entertainer has exercised their rights under chapter 49.46 RCW or chapter 49.17 RCW, or associated rules under WAC 296-128 or WAC 296-831.

Who’s Covered Under the Law
Adult entertainers are covered under the law. Adult entertainers are any person who provides adult entertainment within an adult entertainment establishment, whether or not a fee is charged or accepted for entertainment and whether or not the person is an employee under RCW 49.17.020 or RCW 49.46.010.

"Adult entertainment establishment" or "establishment" means any business to which the public, patrons, or members are invited or admitted where an entertainer provides adult entertainment to a member of the public, a patron, or a member .