Learn more about the Centers of Occupational Health & Education (COHEs):

About our Program

We partner with health care organizations to make COHE services available to providers, workers, and employers.

Core COHE services

  • Coordinate worker care for the first year of treatment.
  • Engage with employers about return to work options.
  • Train providers on best practices.
  • Help providers implement best practices in their office(s).

Join a COHE

If you treat workers and would like access to core COHE services, reach out to the appropriate COHE:

The COHE program is focused on quality improvement and collaboration.

Best Practices

Occupational health best practices were developed with the assistance of the University of Washington. Opioid best practices were adopted from the Bree Collaborative Prescribing guidelines.

COHE providers should:

  1. Submit a timely and complete Report of Accident (ROA) (F242-130-000) to ensure claims are opened quickly.
  2. Complete an Activity Prescription Form (APF) (F242-385-000) during the first office visit, or when patient restrictions change, so that the worker, employer, and claim manager understand the treatment plan and recovery expectations.
  3. Discuss return-to-work options with the employer when the worker has restrictions.
  4. Identify barriers to recovery and solutions to those barriers with each worker.
  5. Prescribe opioids appropriately.
Health Services Coordination

Health services coordinators (HSCs) help providers, workers, and employers.  COHE HSCs are assigned to each best practice provider.

Learn more about Health Services Coordination.

HSC Desk Reference coming soon.

Provider Incentives

COHE participation offers financial and non-financial incentives.

Please refer to the COHE Fee Schedule for special billing codes and rates.

Many providers join COHEs for the non-financial incentives, which include:

  • Help from COHE best practice trainers.
  • Access to health services coordinators.
  • Special designation through L&I’s Find-A-Doctor application.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can a provider submit the APF or ROA electronically?

    Yes, the APF and ROA can be completed and submitted through My L&I on the provider dashboard. In addition, both are also available as a Health Information Exchange (HIE) transactions.

    How can I get the latest information about best practice programs?

    Sign up for our updates through Gov Delivery.