L&I has funding to help employers modify a job to allow an employee to return to work after a work injury.

This benefit is for workers who have an employer. If there is no employer, see Pre-Job Accommodations.

The Job Modification Benefit:

  • Is available to the employer of injury or a new employer.
  • Can be for a temporary or permanent job.
  • Covers costs for equipment, tools, and changes to the worksite.
  • May be up to $10,000 per job or job site (effective January 1, 2025).
  • Does not directly affect an employer’s rates.


Workers may receive benefits when:

  • Their claim is open and covered by L&I or a self-insured employer.
  • They have temporary or permanent restrictions from the accepted claim condition.
  • They need the modification to return to the job of injury or a new job.

And one of the following applies to the worker:

  • They are off work and paid time-loss compensation benefits.
  • They received loss of earning power benefits.
  • They are paid wages by employer instead of time-loss compensation benefits by L&I.

How to Apply

Need help finding ideas to modify the job?

  • Reach out to the Job Accommodation Network.
  • Request a job modification consultation by contacting the worker's claim manager.

Find a consultant or vendor

To locate a consultant or vendor, use our Vendor Services Lookup Tool.


The employer may be reimbursed if an L&I vendor is not used:

Equipment Returns

If the employer paid for part of the modification or if the equipment is affixed to the work site, the employer may retain the equipment regardless if the worker returned to work successfully.

Return all other equipment from failed modifications promptly to the nearest L&I service location. If unable, contact the claim manager.


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