Laws and Rules

The state Legislature makes elevator laws, found in the Revised Code of Washington in Chapter 70.87 RCW. You may also find laws through the RCW search tool.

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) contains rules that are written by L&I based on the law. Elevator rules are found in Chapter 296-96 WAC.

The State Office of the Code Reviser maintains and updates laws and rules.

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Rule Development

2023 Fee Corrections

L&I has adopted changes to make corrections to the elevator fees.

Last year, L&I adopted an 8.5% increase for all elevator fees effective Jan. 1, 2023, and Jan. 1, 2024. The fee increase helps pay for a new Conveyance Management System, which manages L&I’s permit, inspection, and payment for elevators, escalators, and other lifts.

As a result of a typographical error, some of the fee implementation dates were incorrect.

L&I adopted the rules on Oct. 17. The corrected fee increase date will take effect Jan. 1, 2024. The corrections would affect fees under chapter 296-96 Washington Administrative Code (WAC).

Rulemaking documents

Notice of Intent 5/23/2023

Proposed Rule Language 07/18/2023

Final Adoption 10/17/2023

2022 Fee Increase

L&I has adopted a 17% fee increase for funding of a new Conveyance Management System (CMS). The fee increase is divided into two, 8.5 percent fee increases, effective January 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024.

On May 17, 2022, L&I filed proposed rules (CR-102) for a single, 17% fee increase. A public hearing was held on June 22. The CMS project team has updated the project schedule with a new go-live date for CMS of January 2024. As a result, the single, increase was instead divided into two, 8.5%, fee increases for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.

The increase affects fees under chapter 296-96 Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The fees include licensing, permits, and plan approvals.

The final rules (CR-103) were filed with the state Office of the Code Reviser on October 18.

What it supports

A fee increase is needed to fund a new CMS. The CMS is the database used to provide permitting, inspection, and other information for customers and program staff. Our current system is aging, failing, and no longer meets the service needs.

Plans call for the new system to include a secure customer portal for you to manage your account information, submit applications and permits online, and immediate access to inspection results.

The new CMS is expected to go online in January 2024.

Rulemaking documents

2021-23 rulemaking (code adoption)

L&I has adopted new safety codes related to elevators and other conveyances statewide. The codes are from the 2019 edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) A17.1, and other related codes.

The rule changes affect chapter 296-96 WAC, Safety regulations and fees for all elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and other conveyances.

The adopted rules update safety codes, making them consistent with the national standards. ASME A17.1 is the recognized safety standard for the elevator industry and is adopted throughout North America. L&I has also adopted updates, clarification, housekeeping, and other changes to the elevator rules.

The final rules (CR-103) were filed with the state Office of the Code Reviser on August 22. The new rules took effect October 2, 2023.

Rulemaking documents:

 Proposed Rule Language 5/2/2023

Final Adoption 8/22/23

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