Psychologists Can Become Attending Providers

As the result of a new law, psychologists can be attending providers (AP) for workers compensation cases with solely mental health conditions. Beginning July 1, 2025, Washington State psychologists must be part of the L&I Medical Provider Network (MPN) to treat workers beyond the initial visit. Failure to join the MPN will affect payments and your ability to treat workers.

Changes going into effect include:

  • Psychologists can be an Attending Provider (AP) on solely mental health workers compensation cases.
  • Psychologists currently providing care must join the MPN in order to continue treating workers as they do today.
  • Psychologists treating workers with physical injuries must also join the MPN to continue delivering care after June 30, 2025.
  • Psychologists who do not join the L&I MPN will be limited to performing initial visits on solely mental health cases. Psychologists will not be able to conduct an initial visit if any physical conditions are contended.

Application processing for psychologists opens March 3. To allow time for credentialing and avoid payment denials, please submit your application as soon as possible.

Enrollment Information

Psychologists fall into three categories for the application process. Choose the scenario that applies to you and follow the instructions provided:

Psychologists who have an active L&I provider account

Complete these required forms and attachments:

  1. Complete the following forms:
  2. Include proof of:
    • Training and Education
    • Malpractice Insurance
  3. Include your NPI number on forms and in email message.
  4. Email the forms and documents to:

Psychologists who are new to L&I or no longer have an active account

Complete these required forms and attachments:

  1. Apply electronically through ProviderOne
  2. Complete the following forms:
  3. Include proof of:
    • Training and Education
    • Malpractice Insurance
  4. Include your NPI number on forms and in email message.
  5. Email the forms and documents to:

Psychologists who belong to delegate organizations

If you work for one of these organizations, no actions are needed.

  • Confluence Health (Wenatchee Valley Medical & Central Health Association)
  • Evergreen Health
  • Franciscan Health
  • Kaiser WA & Kaiser NW
  • MultiCare
  • Optum Care (The Everett Clinic and Polyclinic)
  • Pacific Medical Clinics
  • PeaceHealth
  • Proliance Surgeons
  • Providence Health & Services
  • Skagit Regional Health
  • Swedish Medical Group
  • UW Med UW Physicians
  • UW Med University of Washington
  • UW Medicine Harborview
  • UW Med Valley Medical Center
  • Virginia Mason
  • Western Washington Medical Group
  • Yakima Valley Farm Workers


AP Role Definition

Attending Provider Role Definition

Psychologists will be able to serve as attending providers (APs) on cases solely for mental health beginning July 1, 2025. On worker compensation claims for solely mental health conditions, psychologist attending providers can:

  • File Report of Accident
  • Certify time-loss and set work restrictions
  • Perform consultations
  • Facilitate return to work
  • Refer for other treatment
  • Determine maximum medical improvement (MMI)
  • Review and comment on job analyses
  • File reopening applications
  • Perform initial mental health evaluations
  • Respond to independent medical examinations (IMEs) concurrence letters

Psychologist APs cannot do impairment ratings.

Coming Soon – Psychologist attending provider handbook

Agency or Topic Tools and Information
Forms Forms for applying to the Medical Provider Network:
Washington Practitioner Application – Authorization and Release of Information​ (F245-480-000)
Washington Practitioner Application - Attestation​ (F245-479-000)

MARFS Fee Schedules and Payment Policies (MARFS)
Mental Health Services The webpage for L&I Mental Health coverage and policy information: Mental Health Services
Rulemaking webpage Rulemaking Activity at L&I
Scroll down the page to find the rulemaking session named Psychologists as Attending Providers (HB 1197 Implementation)

Hearing Dates: CR102 (proposed amended WAC language)
Public Hearing: 02-26-2025
Comments Due: 02-28-2025 5:00 PM​