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Billing Self-Insured Employers

When you treat an injured worker insured by their employer rather than by the State Fund, submit bills directly to the employer or their claims representative.

To determine if an employer is self-insured:

  • Check the list of self-insured employers with contact information (this page also includes a list of third-party administrators)
  • Call L&I’s Self-Insurance Program at 360-902-6901.

Self-insured employers must authorize treatment and pay bills according to the same Medical Aid Rules and Fee Schedules followed by L&I.

If you don't agree with a payment received from a self-insurer, you must follow WAC 296-20-125(9), and inquire about it within 90 days of payment to be considered.

You can now bill the self-insured employer interest on the balance due when payment isn't made within 60 days of receipt of a proper bill.

Need L&I's Self-Insurance Section's assistance?

All disputes must be received in writing.

  • For bill disputes:
  • For all other disputed issues:
    • Include the L&I claim number on your fax cover sheet, and fax all information to 360-902-6900.
    • Contact L&I's Self-Insurance Program at 360-902-6901 if you need help identifying the department claim number.
    • The employer should be a workers first point of contact. However, if there is an issue that you have been unable to resolve, use our online system to report problems with time-loss compensation, medical care, and other issues.

ICD-10 Codes: Self-Insured Employer (SIE) Requirements

L&I doesn't require self-insured employers to develop or change existing automated payment systems; however, the department will require that self-insured employers process proper billings.

If an approved provider submits a complete billing to a self-insured employer for proper and necessary medical services with the ICD coding as described below, the self-insured employer should respond to the billing as follows:

ICD Before October 1, 2015 After October 1, 2015
For billing submitted with ICD-9 codes The SIE would be required to pay based on ICD-9 coding if the bill is otherwise payable The SIE may pay or may return the billing to the provider for proper ICD-10 coding*
For billing submitted with ICD-10 codes The SIE may pay or may return the billing to the provider for proper ICD-10 coding* The SIE would be required to pay based on ICD-10 coding if the bill is otherwise payable
*The SIE must consistently apply whichever approach it takes.