Elevator Safety Advisory Committee (ESAC)
The ESAC’s purpose is to advise and work with the Program on all matters regarding how the elevator industry and its stakeholders are affected. This includes the adoption of laws, rules, and codes that apply to conveyances, methods of enforcing and administering this chapter, and matters of concern to the conveyance industry and to the individual installers, owners and users of conveyances.
The Director appoints the Elevator Safety Advisory Committee members to 4-year terms. These members represent the industry as a whole and are whom you can communicate with when you have needs or questions. The committee meets on the third Tuesday of February, May, August, and November of each year.
NOTICE: We are currently looking for a new Representative of Registered Architects or Professional Engineers. If this is you, please email a cover letter stating your interest and qualifications for this position and why you would be a good fit to sit on our committee, as well as your resume to Gerald.Brown@lni.wa.gov for us to review your information.
To get involved with elevator industry issues or speak with someone regarding a concern or idea, contact your elevator industry representative below:
Upcoming Elevator Safety Advisory Committee meeting
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Stakeholder portion begins at 8 a.m.)
Location: Virtually on Teams
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 152 505 975#
Agenda is subject to change.
Questions: ElevatorSect@Lni.wa.gov
Meeting minutes
- November 2024
- August 2024
- May 2024.
- February 2024.
- November 2023.
- August 2023.
- May 2023.
- February 2023.
- November 2022.
- August 2022.
- May 2022.
- February 2022.
- Representative of Owner-Employed Mechanics Exempt from Licensing
- Scott Cleary, Mobility Concepts, Inc. (Primary)
Phone: 253-896-0970
Email: scott@mcielevator.com - Lyall Wohlschlager, Mobility Concepts of Idaho (Alternate)
Phone: 509-838-6616
Email: mobility@televar.com
- Scott Cleary, Mobility Concepts, Inc. (Primary)
- Representative of Registered General Contractors and ESAC Vice Chair
- Garry Wood, Mobility Concepts, Inc. (Primary)
Phone: 253-370-3665
Email: garry.wood@mcielevator.com - Duke Davis, 16D LLC (Alternate)
Phone: 206-354-0876
Email: duke@16dllc.com
- Garry Wood, Mobility Concepts, Inc. (Primary)
- Representative of Licensed Elevator Contractors
- Ricky Henderson, TK Elevator (Primary)
Phone: 425-864-3584
Email: ricky.henderson@tkelevator.com - Cory Winchell, Schindler (Alternate)
Phone: 206-291-3000
Email: cory.winchell@schindler.com
- Ricky Henderson, TK Elevator (Primary)
- Representative of State Government and ESAC Secretary
- Gerald Brown, Chief Elevator Inspector
Phone: 360-999-0592
Email: gerald.brown@Lni.wa.gov
- Gerald Brown, Chief Elevator Inspector
- Representative of Building Owners and Managers
- John Carini, Sound Transit (Primary)
Phone: 206-945-8875
Email: john.carini@soundtransit.org - Carl Cary, Fujitec (Alternate)
Phone: 206-584-8129
Email: ccary@us.fujitec.com
- John Carini, Sound Transit (Primary)
- Representative of Registered Architects or Professional Engineers
- Representative of Elevator Mechanics Licensed to Perform All Types of Conveyance Work
- Lindsay LaBrosse, IUEC Local 19 Business Agent WA/AK (Primary)
Phone: 206-465-8072
Email: llabrosse@iuec19.org
- Lindsay LaBrosse, IUEC Local 19 Business Agent WA/AK (Primary)
- Representative of City of Seattle
- Jan Gould, City of Seattle (Primary)
Phone: 206-396-0219
Email: jan.gould@seattle.gov - Jason Howerton, City of Seattle (Alternate)
Phone: 206-512-7094
Email: jason.howerton@seattle.gov
- Jan Gould, City of Seattle (Primary)
- Representative of City of Spokane
- Duane Leopard, City of Spokane (Primary)
Phone: 509-625-6129
Email: dleopard@spokanecity.org
- Duane Leopard, City of Spokane (Primary)