Falls are the leading cause of injury and death in construction in Washington State. Those deaths are preventable.

Each year in May, companies from all over Washington state and L&I participate in the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction with the goal of preventing fall fatalities and injuries. The 12th Annual National Safety Stand-Down is scheduled for May 5-9, 2025.


What is a Safety Stand-Down?

It's when you take a break from normal work activities so your crew can focus on a particular jobsite safety topic, such as training on safe use of ladders or inspection of full body harnesses.

Falls are the leading cause of injury and death in construction in Washington state, as shown in these infographic.

Falls in Construction | Spanish

Construction Fatalities from Falls | Spanish

Get involved!

Start now. Any construction business in Washington state can choose how to participate and what to address. You'll find plenty of ideas and ready-to-go resources on various topics.

Use these flyers to promote the Stand-Down:

Request assistance

Contact a safety professional for assistance with your company’s Stand-Down.

2025 Safety Stand-Down supporters

Share your success stories!

Tell us what worked for your company (Spanish) and print out a Certificate of Participation from L&I.

Ideas for Stand-Downs

Stand-Down activities can range from short toolbox talks to scheduled, full-day events. Watch this video of one construction company's Safety Stand-Down and how they got their teams involved in developing their safety plan.  Pick what’s right for your company.

See the Resources tab for additional information.

Stand-down Ideas

Planning for a full week of simple stand-down activities? Here are some ideas:

Day 1, Assess Your Fall Hazards: Use this Construction Safety Checklist to help identify fall hazards at your current job site. Get ideas from your crew about how to effectively prevent falls while doing the work. Use the results to create or refresh your fall prevention program.

Day 2, Ladder Safety: 15-minute Toolbox talk with crew followed by safety audit of job site ladders to make improvements.

Day 3, Roofing Safety: Falls Change Lives — David's Story — What happens when you fall from a roof? Hear the true story (Video) of one man's tragic fall and how it changed his life forever. Then ask your crew to share stories of “near misses” or injuries due to falls and ideas for successful solutions.

Day 4, Skylight, Floor, & Wall Opening Safety: Show a video or use a handout that addresses these fall hazards that may be common at your job site. Get ideas from crews about effective solutions for site issues and follow-up.

Day 5, Focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing: Prevent fall hazards by talking to your crew about mental health and wellbeing. Get information, resources, and support from L&I’s new Mental Health in the Workplace webpage.

Some simple stand-down ideas:

  • Pass out a fatality narrative or bulletin about a real-life fall incident to spark discussion with crews.
  • Watch a fall prevention video with crews and recap important messages afterwards.
  • Remind crews on how to report damaged gear, equipment, and other safety issues that could cause a fall.
  • Ask crews to share “near miss” stories.
  • Demonstrate inspection, set up, and safe use of portable ladders.
  • Review the site fall protection work plan with crews.

Hands-on Ideas

Planning for a full week of simple hands-on activities? Here are some ideas:

  • Safety check jobsite ladders, fall protection systems, and other equipment using a checklist.
  • Download and use NIOSH's Ladder Safety App.
  • Guide crews through how to correctly inspect and put on fall protection
  • Develop a procedure for reporting and addressing damaged equipment. Supply “out of service” tags or tape to mark bad equipment.
  • Walk around the jobsite with crews and point out possible fall hazard issues and solutions.
  • Create a “What’s Right with this Photo” handout for crews. Take photos of safe equipment and solutions to fall safety problems.

Ideas that require more planning:

  • Contact a safety professional for an on-site consultation to review safety programs and help you identify and fix fall hazards.
  • Find a safety speaker who is a fall incident survivor to speak to crews about what happened to them.
  • Attend a safety event that offers training on fall prevention.
  • Set up a safety demonstration from an equipment vendor.

Fall protection

Basic & Ready-to-Use



Basic & Ready-to-Use


Scaffolds & Aerial Lifts

Basic & Ready-to-Use


Roofs & Skylights

Basic & Ready-to-Use

Floor and Wall Openings

Basic & Ready-to-Use

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Other resources


2025 Participants

Add my company's name

Company Company
Nucor Rebar Fabrication Seattle​​

Tell us what worked for your company (Spanish) and print out a Certificate of Participation from L&I.

Previous Participants

Company Company
Adolfson & Peterson Construction JET Heating and Cooling
Anderson Roofing, Inc. John Erwin Remodeling
ARS/Rescue Rooter Kingsmen Contracting Inc.
Artisans Group Inc. Lake Stevens Sewer District
Associated General Contractors (AGC) * Legacy Telecommunications
At Foam- Spray Foam Insulation LKE Corporation
Avalon Bay Construction Lydig Construction
BAI Environmental Services MacArthur Company
Barber Drywall Inc Makah Tribe Makah Housing
Bernal Panting LLC Market Contractors Ltd
Big Rock Construction. Max J. Kuney Construction
Blue Mountain Electric, Inc. McBride Construction​​​
BNBuilders Merit Construction Northwest​
Bsv Construction Michels Corporation​
Burke Electric, LLC MJ Takisaki​
Burnett Painting Company Moncrieff Construction, Inc.​
BYK Construction Mono Rooftop Solutions​
Cannon Construction Inc. Mr Electric of Clark County​
Capstone Homes NCW Framing​
CH Murphy/ Clark-Ullman Inc.CH Murphy/ Clark-Ullman Inc. Neil Kelly​
Clark Construction LLC Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc.​​​
Columbia River Steel & Construction Olympia Master Builders​
Compass General Construction/ Compass Construction Management One Way Construction NW​
Danard Electric LLC.​​ OSHA Region X​​
Dawson Construction * Overland Group, LLC​​
Deacon Construction Seattle​​ Petra Tile Art Llc​​​
Dialect Remodeling Inc. Phoenix Industrial​​​
DKB Inc Pinnacle Roofing Professionals​​​
DLT Washington Ports America and West Coast Terminal and Stevedore Inc​​​
Drainage Systems Cleaning PowerTek Electric​​​
E2 Systems​​​​​ ​Puget Sound Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)​​​​
Elite Construction & Development, LLC​​ R Miller Construction Co.​​​
Employer Resources Northwest​​ Red Hawk Fire Protection​​​​
Enga Building Services Riggins Construction LLC​​​​
Exxel Pacific, General Contractors Robertson & Olson Construction LLC​​​​
Faber Construction​​ Rush Commercial Construction​​​
Fall Protection Consulting​ Ryan Companies​​​​
Fields Roof Service Inc. Signature Safety​​​
Fuentes Construction.​ Specialized Testing Services​​​
Fuentes Construction LLC Spilker Masonry​​​
G & D Developing, Inc. Start to Finish Painting Incorporated​​​
Gallardo Construction, LLC Synergy Welding Inc​​​
Garco Construction Thompson Bros Excavating​​​​
Gillespie Roofing, Inc. Tri Pointe Homes​​​​​
Global Division Inc. Uniplex Construction​​​
Gravitec Systems Inc​​ University of Washington Environmental and Occupational Health​​​
Habitat for Humanity of East Jefferson County Vanport Mechanical & Fire Sprinkler​​​
Harris Rebar Seattle, Inc. Vegas Granite​​​​
Harris Rebar-Columbia Basin, Inc. Veterans NW​​​
Hensel Phelps​ Vital Mechanical Services, Inc​​​
Hermanson VKPowell Construction, LLC​​​​​​
Hidden Rivers Irrigation & Landscaping Washington State Department of Labor & Industries​​​​
High Mark Concrete Contractors​ Washington Water Service​​​
In Time Renovations, LLC​​ Wildwood Construction​​​