Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalization Surveillance System
A work-related immediate inpatient hospitalization is a work-related injury that leads to an inpatient hospital admission within one day of the injury event (based on day, not 24 hours).
Cases are identified through a multi-step linking process using two data sources:
- Washington workers' compensation (WC) data
- Washington's hospital discharge data—the Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS).
Public health importance of Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalization Surveillance
Immediate inpatient hospitalizations resulting from work-related injuries represent a small proportion of injuries, but are severe, costly, and preventable injuries that indicate a need for intervention.
Acute traumatic injuries account for a high proportion of immediate inpatient hospitalizations. Employers throughout the United States are required to report work-related hospitalizations to their state or OSHA regional office. Understanding more about these hospitalizations may be valuable both for prevention efforts and for assessing the completeness of employer reporting.
Purpose & Operations of Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalization Surveillance
Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations data allows for:
- Quantifying prevalence by industry & occupation of work-related injuries and illnesses that lead to immediate inpatient hospitalizations.
- Identifying high-risk occupations/industries and health disparities/risks.
- Aiding in targeting prevention efforts.
Employers, policymakers, and health promotion practitioners can use the study findings to target and prioritize prevention efforts for injuries most likely to cause an work-related immediate hospitalization.
Technical Reports
Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations-Washington State, 2022
Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations, Washington State, 2021
Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations-Washington State, 2019 and 2020
Work-Related Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations, Washington State, 2014-2018
Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations for Work-Related Injury or Illness - Washington State, 2015
Immediate Inpatient Hospitalizations for Work-Related Injury: Washington State, 2014
Industry-Specific Reports
Legislative Reports
Additional Resources
Sign up to receive work-related hospitalization prevention resources by email.
Worker Hospitalization Alerts
Worker’s Legs Amputated in Subfloor Auger | Spanish
Foreman’s Leg Crushed in Power Takeoff Shaft | Spanish
Worker’s Leg Caught In Overloaded Conveyor | Spanish
Cannabis Processing
Worker Amputates Finger Tip on Bud Trimmer Blade
Framer Nearly Amputates Toes with Circular Saw | Spanish
Ironworker Falls 53-feet down Elevator Shaft | Spanish | Russian
Roofer Falls From Extension Ladder | Spanish | Russian
Foreman Falls 15 Feet from Roof | Spanish | Russian
Temporary Worker Struck by Falling Scaffold Plank | Spanish | Russian
Worker Hospitalized After Fall from Mobile Scaffold | Spanish | Russian
Foreman Falls 15 Feet from Ladder | Spanish | Russian
Tire Dealers
Technician Injured when Overinflated Tire Explodes | Spanish
Transportation and Warehousing
Worker Crushed Between Two Forklifts | Spanish
Hospitalization Hazards
Grain Auger Amputations | Spanish
ATV Rollover in Agriculture | Spanish
Orchard Tractor Rollover | Spanish
Orchard Ladder Falls | Spanish
Grading and Site Preparation Equipment | Spanish | Russian
Roofing Falls in Residential Construction | Spanish | Russian
Food Manufacturing Conveyors | Spanish | Russian
Transportation and Warehousing
Falls From Elevation While Tarping | Spanish | Russian | Amharic | Punjabi