Washington Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
Washington is one of eight states that receives funding from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to track fatal work-related traumatic injuries. WA FACE’s goal is to prevent work-related fatal injuries through:
WA FACE collects basic information on all work-related traumatic fatalities in the state, including worker and employer demographics, cause of injury and a short description of the incident. This information comes from the Department of Labor & Industries Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), L&I’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) group, the Washington State Department of Health, public safety officials, newspapers, medical examiners and coroners and other sources.
WA FACE staff conduct in-depth site investigations of some fatalities that occur in Washington State. Investigations are voluntary for employers and focus on finding root causes.
Once an investigation is complete, WA FACE publishes a report that includes a short summary, details of contributing events and factors, the cause of death, and recommendations for prevention and how to protect workers from similar hazards.
WA FACE also publishes hazard alerts, data summaries, and shorter form narratives and slideshows about fatalities in the construction, agriculture, and logging industries that can be used in safety meetings and toolbox talks.
Sign up to receive WA FACE publications by email:
WA FACE publications are free to use.
Sign up to receive WA FACE narratives by email: Agriculture Construction Trucking
Sign up to receive WA FACE Fatality Investigation Reports by email
Please let us know what you think. Your feedback can help us keep workers safe.
Narratives and Slideshows
WA FACE fatality and injury narratives and slideshows describe real incidents and give recommendations and requirements for prevention.
Framer Falls 8 Feet from Rim Joist Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras cae 8 pies de una viga de borde Slideshow
Driver Dragged and Pinned By Rollaway Dump Truck Slideshow
Welder Fell 32 Feet from Storage Tank Roof Slideshow
Framer Struck by Beam after Falling from Scissor Lift Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras es golpeado por una viga después de caer de un elevador de tijera Slideshow
Teen Worker Loses Legs to Trencher Slideshow
Gutter Installer Falls from Patio Roof Slideshow
Un instalador de canalones cae desde el techo Slideshow
Inexperienced Framer Falls 22 Feet from Upper Floor Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras con poca experiencia cae 22 pies desde un piso superior Slideshow
Heavy Equipment Mechanic Dies Repairing Excavator Slideshow
Company Co-owner Backed Over by Work Truck Slideshow
Construction Worker Struck by Rollaway Dump Truck Slideshow
Camión de volteo sin conductor atropella a trabajador de la construcción Slideshow
Foreman Falls 17 Feet from Leading Edge of Roof Deck Slideshow
Capataz cae 17 pies desde el borde delantero de la cubierta del techo Slideshow
Spotter Loses Fingertips in Excavator Quick Coupler Slideshow
Observador pierde las puntas de los dedos de la mano en el acoplador rápido de la excavadora Slideshow
Contractor and Laborer Buried when Trench Wall Collapses Slideshow
Contratista y peón sepultados en desplome de zanja Slideshow
Operator Crushed between Backhoe Boom and Stabilizer Slideshow
Roofer Falls Constructing Leading Edge of Metal Roof Slideshow
Cae un instalador de techos del borde de avance de un techo metálico Slideshow
Site Superintendent Run Over by Backing Dump Truck Slideshow
Carpenter Falls through Floor of Two-Story Garage Slideshow
Siding Installer Falls 23 Feet from Pump Jack Scaffold Slideshow
Instalador de paneles laterales cae 23 pies de andamio de palometa de gato Slideshow
Laborer Climbing Scaffold Cross Braces Falls 25 Feet Slideshow
Operator Crushed Between Forklift and Storage Rack Slideshow
Operador aplastado entre montacargas y bastidor de almacenamiento Slideshow
Framer Falls 25 Feet from House Roof Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras cae 25 pies del techo de una casa Slideshow
Truck Driver/Equipment Operator Crushed while Loading Backhoe onto Trailer Slideshow
Apprentice Ironworker Struck by Dropped Steel Wedge Slideshow
Communication Tower Worker Falls 260 Feet Slideshow
Framer Falls 8 Feet from Extension Ladder Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras cae 8 pies de una escalera de extensión Slideshow
Roofer Falls 10 Feet from Fixed Ladder Slideshow
Instalador de techos cae 10 pies de una escalera de mano fija Slideshow
Father and Son Painters Electrocuted when Ladder Contacts Power Line Slideshow
Pintores, padre e hijo, son electrocutados cuando la escalera de mano toca un cable de electricidad Slideshow
Apprentice Electrician Suffers Arc Flash Burns
Laborer Falls from Wall while Setting Trusses
Contratista de revestimientos cae 23 pies desde el balcón de un apartamento Slideshow
Roofer Falls 30 Feet from Rain Slick Roof Slideshow
Techador cae de un techo resbaloso ocasionado por la lluvia, desde 30 pies de altura Slideshow
Painter Dies from Accidental Drug Overdose
Ironworker Falls 42 Feet through Hole when Cover Fails Slideshow
Laborer Struck by Temporary Steel Shoring Tower Parts Slideshow
Construction Supervisor Dies by Suicide
Framer Falls 20 Feet through Stairwell Opening Slideshow
Laborer Partially Buried when Trench Wall Collapses Slideshow
Framer Struck by Falling Wall Section Slideshow
Carpenter Falls from Ladder-Supported Extension Plank
Laborer Falls 24 Feet from Roof Deck Slideshow
Roofer Falls 20 Feet through Rotten Roof Slideshow
Roofer Falls 30 Feet through Skylight Slideshow
Framer Setting Roof Trusses Falls 20 Feet Slideshow
Roofing Foreman Falls 19 Feet from Extension Ladder Slideshow
Spotter Pinned between Excavator Bucket and Trench Box Slideshow
Ironworker Falls 80 Feet through Bent Plate Gap Slideshow
Roofer Falls 18 Feet from Wet House Roof Slideshow
Trabajador cae 18 pies de un techo mojado Slideshow
Temp Worker Crushed By Rollaway Forklift at Family Farm Slideshow
Trabajador temporal es aplastado por montacargas sin conductor en una granja familiar Slideshow
Slaughterhouse Worker Crushed in Cattle Chute Door Slideshow
Apple Orchard Worker Dies When Tractor Rolls Over Slideshow
El recolector de huerta muere cuando el tractor se vuelca Slideshow
Sweeper Crushed in Hay Press Bale Elevator Slideshow
Barrendero aplastado en elevador de pacas de una prensa de heno Slideshow
Farm Worker's Hand Mangled in Hop Harvester Slideshow
La mano de un trabajador agrícola fue aplastada en una cosechadora de lúpulo Slideshow
Orchard Worker Driving Overloaded ATV Struck on Highway Slideshow
Un trabajador de huerto que conducía una cuatrimoto sobrecargada sufrió una colisión en la carretera Slideshow
Orchard Worker Driving UTV Struck By Car Slideshow
Un trabajador de huerto que conducía un UTV es golpeado por un automóvil Slideshow
Hop Farm Harvester Operator Struck By Steel Cable Slideshow
Operator Run Over by Combine Harvester when Engine Started by “Hot-wiring” Slideshow
Operator Electrocuted while Performing Maintenance on Center Pivot Irrigation System Slideshow
Operator Dies When Orchard Tractor Rolls Down Embankment Slideshow
Operator Crushed By Irrigation System Wheel Slideshow
Vineyard Laborer Falls from Grape Harvester Slideshow
Operator Crushed When Tractor and Sprayer Roll Over Slideshow
Orchard Manager Dies When ATV Crashes into Apple Bin Slideshow
Laborer Burned Cutting 55-Gallon Drum when Leftover Fuel Explodes Slideshow
Truck Mechanic Struck by Trailer Air Suspension Spring Slideshow
Truck Driver Poisoned by Carbon Monoxide in Cab Slideshow
Driver Run Over by Semi-Trailer at Truck Stop Slideshow
Truck Driver Crushed by Freight Pushed Off Flatbed Trailer Slideshow
Owner Crushed Loading Log Skidder on Lowboy Trailer Slideshow
Forklift Operator’s Arm Crushed By Mast Slideshow
Driver Caught Between Trucks at Warehouse Loading Dock Slideshow
Truck Driver Has Fatal Fall While Tarping Flatbed Trailer Slideshow
Driver Struck by Semi-Truck in Shipper’s Parking Lot Slideshow
Truck Driver Struck by Yard Tractor on Rainy Night Slideshow
Mechanic Crushed When Rollaway Semi-Truck Hits Trailer Slideshow
Truck Driver Crushed by Cardboard Bale Slideshow
Truck Driver Crushed by Hay Bales Slideshow
Truck Driver Crushed Between Two Trailers Slideshow
Tree Trimmer Falls 25 Feet from Bucket Slideshow
Podador de árboles cae 25 pies desde una canastilla Slideshow
Trimmer Struck by Limb from Storm-damaged Tree Slideshow
Maintenance Coordinator Dies After Falling from Ladder Slideshow
Tree Trimmer Dies when Tree Removal Rigging Fails Slideshow
Muere podador de árboles cuando ocurre una falla en el aparejo para retirar árboles Slideshow
Groundskeeper Crushed when UTV Tips Over Slideshow
Delivery Driver Dies when Forklift Overturns While Delivering Landscape Paving Blocks Slideshow
Service Technicians Receive Electrical Burns When Electricity Arcs from Power Line to Boom Lift Slideshow
Window Cleaner Falls 50 Feet Slideshow
Clerk Shot in Robbery of Family Gas Station Slideshow
Clerk Shot in Robbery of Family Gas Station (Punjabi) Slideshow
Attendant Shot in Gas Station Food Mart Slideshow
Freight Clerk Crushed by Trailer at Store Loading Dock Slideshow
Cannabis Store Worker Shot in Armed Robbery Slideshow
Fatality Investigation Reports
WA FACE Fatality Investigation Reports describe root-cause based investigations of fatal incidents.
Family Dairy Farm Worker Dies When Tractor Rolls Down Embankment Summary
Mechanic Crushed by Rollaway Container Chassis Summary
Driver Crushed by Rollaway Woodchip Truck Summary
Compost Plant Operator Caught in Rotating Conveyor Belt Summary
Media Company Grip Falls Down Empty Elevator Shaft Summary
Hay Press Operator Struck by Machine’s Guillotine Blade Summary
Operator Falls from Boom Lift while Tree Trimming Summary
Chip Truck Driver Struck by Passing Truck Summary
Asphalt Plant Supervisor Dies after Falling down a Drag Slat Conveyor Summary
Supervisor at Used Clothing Processing Facility and Warehouse Dies When Struck by Falling Clothing Bales Summary
A Boat Maintenance Crew Supervisor Dies of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Using a Gasoline-Powered Pressure Washer Summary
Maintenance Mechanic Dies After Being Burned by Hot Boric Acid Solution While Removing Pump Summary
Forklift Operator Dies When Crushed between Forklift Overhead Guard and Mast Summary
A 19-Year-Old Landscape Laborer Dies When Entangled in Auger after Entering the Hopper of a Bark Blower Truck Summary
Orchard Laborer Dies When Run Over By Rotary Mower After Falling From Tractor Summary
Bark Company Owner Dies After Being Crushed By Ecology Block Wall Summary
Forest Crew Worker Electrocuted While Trying to Cut Tree Fallen on High-Voltage Power Line Summary
Coffee Stand Owner Dies When Leak from Propane Cylinder Causes a Fire Summary
Fertilizer Company Worker Crushed to Death by Falling Concrete Ecology Block Summary
Truck Driver Dies after Being Struck by Semi-Trailer Truck in Trailer Lot of Customer Yard
Orchard Laborer Dies after Being Struck and Run Over by Dump Trailer
Log Truck Driver Dies When Struck by Logs Being Loaded Onto Trailer
Two Propane Gas Supplier Workers Electrocuted when Boom Truck Crane’s Boom Contacts 7,200 Volt Overhead Power Line
Operator Dies after Excavator Tips Over Bridge and Falls into River Below
Timber Harvester Operator Killed Following a Chain Shot Incident Summary
Orchard Tractor Operator Dies when Run Over by Trailer-Mounted Water Tank Towed by Tractor Summary
Truck Driver Dies after being Run Over by Propane Transport Rolling Backward at Bulk Plant Summary
Orchard Laborer Dies when Crushed Between a Motor Grader and Semi-Truck in Washington State Summary
Operator Dies after Being Caught between Bulldozer's Track and Fender Summary
Machinist Dies After Being Struck by Rotating Steel Bar Stock in Lathe in Washington State Summary
Deck Engineer on Barge Dies When Struck by Crane Counterweight in Washington State Summary
Carpet Installer Dies after Falling 32 Feet at a Commercial Jobsite Summary
Crane Operator Dies after Falling From Crane Turntable Deck in Washington State Summary
A Commercial Cleaning Company Worker Dies of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning at a Warehouse in Washington State
Assembler / Fabricator Dies When Struck by “L” Rack Loaded with Glass Mirrors in Washington State
A 16-Year-Old Worker Dies When Struck by a Portable Gantry Crane used as an Engine Hoist
Maintenance Worker Electrocuted While Attempting to Change a Light Bulb in Washington State
Two Teen Workers Asphyxiate in an Agricultural Silo
Temporary Construction Worker Dies After Falling from a Scaffold Plank in Washington State
Maintenance Worker Killed When Struck by a Vehicle Along a Highway in Washington State
Flagger Fatally Injured When Struck by a Car at a Highway Work Zone in Washington State
Utility Construction Supervisor Killed When Struck by a Pickup Truck at a Work Zone in Washington State
Temporary Worker Killed when Caught in Machinery at a Bottling Plant in Washington State
City Worker Killed When Struck by a Dump Truck in Washington State
Lineman Killed After Being Struck by a Car in Washington State
Logger Killed by Log
Flagger Killed When Struck by Dump Truck
A Fifteen Year-old Worker was Killed After he Fell From the Roof of a Building While Helping Wash its Windows
A Sixteen Year-old Farm Worker was Killed While Driving a Tractor Pulling a Hay Baler on a Public Roadway
Cedar Salvage Logger Killed When Struck by Falling Cedar Blocks
Construction Contractor Killed by Fall From Ladder
Night Foreman Killed After Falling From a Hay De-Stacker
Tree Faller Struck by Tree
Sawmill Unscrambler Operator
WA FACE Hazard Alerts
Preventing Farm Worker ATV Crash Deaths | Spanish
Retail Hazard Alert: Women Victims of Homicide | Korean
Infographic: Construction Fatalities from Falls | Spanish
Alert: Suicides at Work in Construction
Construction Hazard Alert: Using Reach Forklifts as Cranes
Construction Hazard Alert: Workers Severely Injured Using Demolition Robots
Washington State Construction Fall Fatalities 2000-2015: Infographic
Safety Success Story: Carpenter Saved From Potentially Fatal Fall
Preventing Truck Mechanic Deaths from Rollaways | Spanish
Other Industries
Top five work-related fatality incidents by industry, 1998-2019 Washington
Tire Explosion: A Hazard to Workers Inflating Large Vehicle and Off-Road Machine Tires
Instalador de estructuras cae 8 pies de una viga de borde Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras es golpeado por una viga después de caer de un elevador de tijera Slideshow
Un instalador de canalones cae desde el techo Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras con poca experiencia cae 22 pies desde un piso superior Slideshow
Camión de volteo sin conductor atropella a trabajador de la construcción Slideshow
Capataz cae 17 pies desde el borde delantero de la cubierta del techo Slideshow
Observador pierde las puntas de los dedos de la mano en el acoplador rápido de la excavadora Slideshow
Contratista y peón sepultados en desplome de zanja Slideshow
Cae un instalador de techos del borde de avance de un techo metálico Slideshow
Instalador de paneles laterales cae 23 pies de andamio de palometa de gato Slideshow
Operador aplastado entre montacargas y bastidor de almacenamiento Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras cae 25 pies del techo de una casa Slideshow
Instalador de estructuras cae 8 pies de una escalera de extensión Slideshow
Instalador de techos cae 10 pies de una escalera de mano fija Slideshow
Pintores, padre e hijo, son electrocutados cuando la escalera de mano toca un cable de electricidad Slideshow
Contratista de revestimientos cae 23 pies desde el balcón de un apartamento Slideshow
Techador cae de un techo resbaloso ocasionado por la lluvia, desde 30 pies de altura Slideshow
Trabajador cae 18 pies de un techo mojado Slideshow
Las caídas siguen siendo la principal causa de muerte de trabajadores de la construcción
Trabajador temporal es aplastado por montacargas sin conductor en una granja familiar Slideshow
El recolector de huerta muere cuando el tractor se vuelca Slideshow
Barrendero aplastado en elevador de pacas de una prensa de heno Slideshow
La mano de un trabajador agrícola fue aplastada en una cosechadora de lúpulo Slideshow
Un trabajador de huerto que conducía una cuatrimoto sobrecargada sufrió una colisión en la carretera Slideshow
Un trabajador de huerto que conducía un UTV es golpeado por un automóvil Slideshow
Prevención de muertes de trabajadores agrícolas en colisiones de cuatrimotos
Podador de árboles cae 25 pies desde una canastilla Slideshow
Muere podador de árboles cuando ocurre una falla en el aparejo para retirar árboles Slideshow
Prevención de muertes de mecánicos causadas por camiones sin conductor
Washington State Work-Related Fatalities Report 2019
Who is Included in this report?
This report includes all people who were working in Washington State, or in the waters or airspace within or off of the state, and died due to a work-related incident that occurred in 2019. Workers based in other states that die from fatal injury incidents in Washington are included.
Types of Incidents Included:
Acute trauma fatalities including but not limited to:
- Falls
- Homicides
- Suicides
- Motor vehicle incidents
- Machinery incidents
- Chemical exposures
- Falls
Types of Incidents Not Included:
- Fatalities that occurred in the calendar year due to an incident from a previous year.
- Fatalities due to:
- Natural cause (heart attacks, aneurysms, etc.), unless root cause is determined to be the result of a work injury.
- Diseases from long-term exposure (disease examples include asbestosis and silicosis).
Download the full 2019 Washington State Work-Related Fatalities Report
Transportation and Warehousing — NAICS 48-49
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting — NAICS 11
Motor Vehicle Operators — SOC 2000 53-3000
Executive Summary
The goal of the Washington State FACE program is to prevent worker fatalities through surveillance, fatal incident investigations, and prevention activities. This report includes information on all workers who died in Washington State as the result of traumatic injuries in 2019. We hope that this report is used by employers, safety professionals, and anyone who can help keep workers safe.
- Sixty-three workers died in 2019, 14 fewer than the 77 who died in 2018.
- Fifty-two were men and 11 were women.
- 44% of all workers who died were age 50 or older.
Industry and occupation
- By industry, the three sectors with the highest number of worker deaths were Construction; Transportation and Warehousing; and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting.
- By occupation, the highest number of worker deaths were among Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers. There were 11, five more than in 2018.
Type of incident
- Workers died most commonly in motor vehicle incidents. The second most common type of incident was homicide. For both types of incidents, the number of worker deaths was higher than the 10-year annual average.
- Among the 12 workers who died from homicide, the most common industries were convenience and grocery stores. Eight of the 12 incidents involved firearms.
- Half of all workers who died from homicide were women.
- More women have died from homicide than any other type of incident in the last decade.
- Seven workers died from falls. This was nine fewer than in 2018 and six fewer than the 10-year annual average. Four were Construction workers.
Washington State Work-Related Fatalities and Fatality Rates* — All Industries, 2010–2019
Year | Number of Fatalities | Fatality Rate |
2010 | 89 | 3.4 |
2011 | 53 | 1.9 |
2012 | 66 | 2.2 |
2013 | 54 | 1.7 |
2014 | 77 | 2.7 |
2015 | 64 | 2.1 |
2016 | 67 | 2.4 |
2017 | 78 | 2.5 |
2018 | 77 | 2.4 |
2019 | 63 |
* Number of Fatalities source: WA FACE data. Fatality Rate per 100,000 FTE age 16 years or older, no volunteers or resident military, source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. 1 FTE = 2000 hours worked in a year.
- Motor vehicle incidents were the leading cause of work-related deaths again in 2019. The 23 incidents accounted for 37% of deaths, up from 25% in 2018.
- Homicide was the cause of 12 worker deaths (19%), up from 9 (12%) in 2018.
- Eight workers died after being struck by objects.
- Seven workers died from falls. This was nine fewer than in 2018 and six fewer than the 10-year annual average.
- Five worker deaths were due to suicide.
Motor Vehicle Incidents
Between 2010 and 2019, 179 workers died on the job in motor vehicle incidents.
In 2019, 23 workers from nine different industry sectors died in motor vehicle incidents.
- 43% of fatalities were in the Transportation and Warehousing Industry.
- Eight of the 23 workers were on foot.
- 52% of workers who died in motor vehicle incidents were age 50 or older (12).
Between 2010 and 2019, 132 workers died from falls at work.
In 2019, seven workers died from falls. Three died from falls on the same level.
- 43% of workers who died from falls were age 50 or older (3).
Homicide and Suicide
Between 2010 and 2019, 58 workers died from homicide and 40 died by suicide.
- 34% of women died from homicide (22). This is more than any other incident type. Eight women were killed while working retail.
- 6% of men died from homicide (36) in the same period. Six men were killed serving as law enforcement officers.
In 2019, homicides increased by 33% to the highest number in ten years, while suicides decreased by 50% compared to 2018. All who died by suicide were men.
Among the 12 homicides:
- Six were women and six were men. Eight were killed with firearms.
- Seven were workers age 50 years and older. Five of the seven were women and two were men.
- Three women and one man were killed in convenience or grocery store robberies.
- Nine involved criminal intent, two involved personal relationships, and one was a worker-to-worker homicide.
Worker deaths occurred in 24 Washington counties in 2019.
- King County saw the highest number of deaths (10), five fewer than in 2018.
- Pierce County experienced nine fatalities, three fewer than 2018. Four were homicides and two were suicides; 67% of the county’s deaths.
- There were six deaths in Snohomish County in 2019, the same number as in 2018.
- There were two worker deaths in Clark County in 2019, two fewer than in 2018.
Construction — NAICS 23
Between 2010 and 2019, 102 workers died in the Construction industry sector. Nearly half (49) died in falls.
In 2019, twelve Construction workers died in fatal incidents.
- This was one more than the number of workers who died in 2018.
- All 12 were men.
- 75% of workers were under age 50 (9). The youngest worker was backed over by a dump truck and the oldest fell from a roof.
- Four workers died in falls. Two fell from roofs, one fell through a roof opening, and one died when their suspended work platform fell.
- Two ironworkers died when the tower crane they were disassembling collapsed.
- All workers were wage and salary employees.
- The homicide involved a personal relationship.
Transportation and Warehousing — NAICS 48-49
Between 2010 and 2019, 105 workers died in the Transportation and Warehousing industry sector.
In 2019, eleven Transportation and Warehousing workers died in fatal incidents.
- This was two fewer fatalities than in 2018.
- All 11 were men.
- Four Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers were outside of their trucks when killed. Two of them were run over by their own vehicles.
- 90% of worker deaths were due to motor vehicle incidents (10).
- 54% of workers were age 50 or over (6).
- Two were over age 65.
- Four workers were self-employed.
- Six were WA residents, five were from other states.
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting — NAICS 11
Between 2010 and 2019, 128 workers died in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting industry sector.
In 2019, ten Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting workers died in fatal incidents.
- Nine men and one woman died.
- 90% of workers were under age 50 (9).
- Two were young workers, less than 24 years old.
- Four workers died in motor vehicle incidents. Three were farmworkers.
- Two loggers died. One was struck by a log carriage and one died when the vehicle he was driving rolled over on a logging road.
- All workers were wage and salary employees.
- The homicide involved a worker-to-worker relationship.
Motor Vehicle Operators — SOC 2000 53-3000
Between 2010 and 2019, 111 Motor Vehicle Operators have died on the job.
Some of the jobs included in this group are:
Truck Drivers
Bus Drivers
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs
Driver/Sales Workers
In 2019, thirteen Motor Vehicle Operators died in fatal incidents.
- Eleven Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers from eight different industries were killed.
- 54% of operators died outside of their vehicles (6).
- 69% of operators were age 50 or over (9). 31% were age 65 or over (4).
- All operators were men.
- The homicide involved a worker-to-worker relationship.
- All worked for private companies. Ten were wage and salary and three were self-employed.